TechConnect: TechConnect GameDay

Date and Time
Saturday, May 11, 2024, 1 - 4 PM
End times are approximate. Events may end early or late.


Event Details



Join TechConnect for a celebration of video games during our inaugural Game Day! Attend panel discussions and listen to guest speakers from creators and developers in the gaming industry, join workshops on streaming and narrative game design, or challenge your friends to a few rounds of Mario Kart! Representatives from the City College of New York and Hostos Community College will share information about their associate's and bachelor's game development programs, displays from the exhibit Video Games the Great Connector will be available for viewing, and game showcases from indie developers will be available for testing!


Check below for the event agenda and remember to check back for more updates to the agenda as the date grows closer!


TechConnect Game Day Agenda

Workshop: Create a Stream Using OBS (1:15 - 2:30 pm)

Join us for a 75-minute session in Room 7B on creating your own video game or multimedia stream using Open Broadcast Software! Your workshop instructor will walk you through the technical process of preparing for a stream including hardware and software prep. This workshop is interactive and invites you to work with the instructor to design scenes, balance audio, and more!

Workshop: Create a Choice-Based Game in Twine (2:30 - 3:45 pm)

Join us for a 75-minute workshop in Room 7B where you will learn how to use the web-based application Twine to create choice-based games. Twine is a flexible game design application focused on text-based gaming. During this workshop, you will learn how to use Twine to create story-like games with various options and how to use Twine as a storyboarding tool for 2D and 3D games!


TechConnect Gaming Gallery (1:05 pm - 3:45 pm)

Visit the TechConnect Gaming Gallery in Room 7C, a pop-up space for you to play the latest consoles, play games from independent developers, and view exhibition pieces from the Harlem Gallery of Science's most recent exhibit, "Video Games the Great Connector".  Use this social space to game with friends, share your thoughts about the event, and watch others compete!


  • Audience: Adults
Assistive Listening and ASL
ASL interpretation and real-time (CART) captioning available upon request. Please submit your request at least two weeks in advance by emailing