Money Matters: Optimizing Your Budget & Cash Flow

Event Details

Garrett Philbin

Learn how to analyze the money you make and spend to create and live within a budget.                 

Garrett Philbin is a Money Coach and the founder of Be Awesome Not Broke. He helps entrepreneurs and freelancers change their relationship with money so they can enjoy flexibility and freedom rather than stress, anxiety and overwhelm. He also is the Public Relations director for FPA New York and serves on the Financial Fitness Workshop committee.   In addition to working with his Awesome clients, he frequently gives presentations around NYC, writes a bi-weekly newsletter, creates free content to help people better handle their money, all while not taking life too seriously and trying to show his bucket list who's boss.
Presented by the Financial Planning Association of NY.

Seating is on a first come, first seated basis.


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  • Audience: Adults, Businesspeople