Best of the Web

  • National service organization that supports artists communities. Members listed as well as application requirements for selected residences. In-depth profiles of member communities.
  • Americans for the Arts is a national organization promoting leadership, education and information, that will encourage support for the arts and culture in our nations communities. Includes a database of Arts Policy and Research, provided through a partnership with Arts Wire and Carnegie Mellon University. Includes legislative updates, arts advocacy programs, and extensive lists of publications.
  • Arts & Business Council's signature program, Business Volunteers for the Arts promotes mutually beneficial partnerships between corporations and nonprofit arts groups. Includes an interactive business guide to the arts, job openings, and newsletters.
  • AEP is a nonprofit coalition of organizations dedicated to demonstrating the role of arts education in helping students to excel in school and later in life. Includes information on applying for federal funds, arts education task forces (including links), and resources from past efforts and conferences.
  • Excellent list of links for arts education links including funding, national standards, and community programs. See also the Healing Power of the Arts which contains many more research sites.
  • As a service of the Arts & Business Council, Inc. this website lists arts management job opportunities in the New York metro area, arranged by job category.
  • Linking the arts and education (k-12) through technology. Includes lesson plans and activities for teachers and students. Also includes the National and State Standards for Arts Education full text.
  • This website was created for the Colorado Council on the Arts but is international in scope. Excellent resource information on all facets of the arts, from the visual arts to dance and film. Also includes information on arts advocacy, arts policy and arts education. See also the Healing Power of the Arts, a comprehensive list of how the arts can heal minds, bodies, and communities. Highly recommended.
  • Essays and related links on all aspects of arts marketing: strategy, research, communications, audience retention, and alternative funding.
  • AHA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of Latino arts and artists in the United States. Lists of programs and services available. Also contains Opportunities For Artists: A listing of grants, fellowships and other resources for artists.
  • Resources to help nonprofit organizations use communications technologies more effectively. Subjects covered include project planning and implementation, evaluation, publicity, and technology funding for nonprofits. Highly recommended.
  • (M.F.A. in Performing Arts Management)
  • Advances business/arts alliances.
  • Searchable Government resource for grantseekers. Listings of grants. Information on developing and writing grant proposals. Clear and concise.
  • Leading newspaper of the nonprofit world. Selected leading articles from current issue, index to previous issues going back 2 years. Some facts and figures of philanthropy topics available without subscription. Three different types of subscription packages make this site one of the most confusing on the Internet. However, if you persevere you can access excellent information for free.
  • Copyright basics, forms, Freedom of Information Act requests, copyright law, international copyright. Also, the CORDS project for electronic copyright registration and recordation. Search Copyright Office records from 1978-present available via LOCIS (Library of Congress Information System).
  • Nonprofit membership association of grant making foundations and corporations. Learn about the different types of foundations and check terms in an easy-to-use glossary. Good primer on how foundations work.
  • Arts Wire is a program of the New York Foundation for the Arts. Current issue available, Webbase of cultural resources on the web, job classifieds.
  • Entertainment law journals, copyright resources, entertainment legal news.
  • Listing of Grantmaker Websites, funding trends, guides to funding and proposal writing, and so much more. Includes highlights of the 1998 study on arts funding, and the Literature of the Nonprofit Sector. One of the most useful sites on the web. Also an online librarian to answer reference questions. Highly recommended.
  • Learning center for philanthropy issues, database with information on more than 650,000 nonprofits, collection of articles and web links for nonprofit subjects.
  • Find a wealth of information on a nonprofit's operations, programs, finances, and personnel on this indispensable site.
  • Searchable directory of 10,000 non-profit organizations in 150 countries. Find information on events, resources, services, volunteering, and employment.
  • The largest website of its kind, lets you search or browse through tens of thousands of nonprofit and community organizations in over 165 countries. The Nonprofit Career Center lets you search for jobs and internships all over the world, there is an extensive list of global volunteer opportunities as well, and information for possible donors.
  • The INC is a project of The Evergreen State Society of Seattle, Washington. It offers information for and about nonprofit organizations in the United States. Very useful FAQ's arranged by subject. Also see the library for documents of use to those who are learning about nonprofit organizations.
  • Published by volunteers who mine the Net for research nuggets (hence the name). Current and past issues of their newsletter, multiple web resources for company directories and news, guides to understanding financials, search engine for foundation searching. Also includes links to SEC/Edgar: a database on company activities, financial data and executive compensation.
  • Legal sources for arts and entertainment. Heavy emphasis on music copyright and digital distribution of music.
  • Low tech site listing about 15 sites with online sources for nonprofit jobs. Good starting place.
  • Highly detailed content-driven library of over 70 topics from Advertising to Taxation to Y2K. A tremendously useful site encompassing all aspects of nonprofit management.
  • Liaison on policy and regulatory issues affecting the industry. Production insurance requirements, sample film/video permits, and production statistics included.
  • Association composed of diverse member organizations who are dedicated to encouraging film, video, audio, and online/multimedia arts, and to promoting the cultural contributions of individual media artists. A comprehensive guide to media related organizations and the services they provide arranged by state and/or services. Current and past issues (1996-present) of newsletter. Well put together.
  • NAPAMA is a not-for-profit association dedicated to promoting the best interests of performing arts managers and agents. Directory of members only.
  • Directory for state arts and regional arts organizations. Essays on featured topics from policy to practice. Hard to navigate, check site map for easy navigation.
  • NCNA is a network of 40 state and regional associations working to develop more effective support for community nonprofits by offering management and technical assistance, advocacy, and public policy education. State contact information, nonprofit news, calendar of events. Also includes full text of the Unified Registration Statement (URS) Kit for charitable registration in 33 states.
  • NCNA is a network of state and regional nonprofit associations serving over 20,000 members in 41 states and the District of Columbia. Its mission includes providing nonprofits with the tools and leadership they need to function more effectively. At this site you can view employment information.
  • Guidelines and applications, basic facts, news and interviews, hundreds of full-text articles on all aspects of the arts and arts funding.
  • Represents and serves New York City nonprofit cultural organizations involved in the visual, literary, and performing arts. Listings of alternate and free exhibit spaces, criteria for program funding, artist certification.
  • NYRAG is a nonprofit membership association of donors in the tristate area focusing on improving the practice of philanthropy. Provides programing aimed at educating the grantseeker and grantgiver alike. Site contains New York/New Jersey Area Common Application and Report Forms and the NYRAGTimes, a quarterly newsletter.
  • State funding agency that provides support for activities of nonprofit arts and cultural organizations in New York State. Included are grant applications, employment opportunities, final reports, and list of NYSCA current list of current grantees.
  • Includes Job Resource Center (membership fee required), directory of nonprofit organizations, job fairs, conferences, workshops, and conventions (free).
  • Advocacy and awareness programs for increasing support for opera in North America. Facts and figures as well as publications to order online.
  • Performing, Technical, Design, Administrative, and Academic employment. Cumbersome to navigate. You must register with the Playbill Club for no-cost access.
  • Job postings by date.
  • National organization to promote the nonprofit American theatre through grants, management programs, and advocacy for the arts. Full publications catalog available, searchable by title, subject, genre, and keyword. Applications and guidelines for a variety of artistic grants and programs available through TCG. Selected articles from current American Theatre available.
  • (M.A. in Arts Administration)
  • Assessed academic performance of fourth, eighth, and twelfth graders in a range of subjects, including NAEP administered assessment of students' knowledge and skills in music, theatre, and visual arts.
  • (M.A. in Arts Administration)
  • Provided by the Masters of Arts Management Program at Carnegie Mellon University. Current and past issues full text. Not searchable.
  • Official site of the U.S. Copyright Office featuring general information, legislation and publications. Download Copyright Office application forms.
  • (M.A. in Business)
  • VSA(Vision, Strength, and Artistic Expression) is a nonprofit organization providing support for artists with disabilities. Contains affiliate network, national and international programs.
  • A management guide for fundraising nonprofit special projects by Sondra Shaw-Hardy, Adjunct Professor of Public Affairs, Western Michigan University. Be sure to view Campaign Table Checklist.