Best of the Web

  • Full digital image of original documents and commentary on the treaty between the Sioux and the U.S. government.
  • A wide variety of material on the slaughter of the buffalo.
  • Includes: In the News Putting a Face on the Past Historic Timeline Tribal Groups Directory of California Tribes Links. From the official website of U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer.
  • This umbrella site will lead you to a history of the massacre, information about the U.S. soldiers, discussion of awarding them the Medal of Honor and related material.
  • Written by Al Pate, this site provides full text to many chapters of his book on the Coree - the Chicora Nation.
  • Interviews and letters from people who knew Crazy Horseand the program from the unveiling ceremonies which dedicateda statue honoring the great leader.
  • Print and Internet resources for History, Biography and Genealogy.
  • An umbrella site maintained by Lee Sultzman. This site provides a brief overview on 48 tribal nations. By clicking on the tribes name again, extensive information is provided about their location, population, names, language, villages, culture and history. There is also a "Location list of the Native Tribes of the US & Canada." This list enables you to locate tribes which are federally or state recognized, those that lack such recognition and the tribes of Canada. The list provides their addresses and fax numbers.
  • The best way to access information about American Indians in Texas is to use the search box.
  • The untold story of the first Native American encounter in 1492, an essay by Chief Petro Guanikeyu Torres.
  • The subject areas of this extensive site include: general information politics society culture and telecommunications. Covers the indigenous peoples of North and South America.
  • Over 1500 digitized images from the 1870s to the 1960s. Searchable by subject, personal name, photographer or artist, date, or type of material.
  • This is the PBS home page for the Ken Burns documentary. Site includesa section on Native Americans, the tribes encountered by the expedition and a section on
  • Digital images from the National Archives.
  • Presented here in full text are two chapters of Book One written by Todd D. Sauve [c1997]. The chapters deal with the period during of expansion of the railroad and the conflicts between the U.S. government and the Western tribes.Chapters are footnoted.
  • An umbrella site with many illustrations and maps from the 15th century. Almost all subjects discuss their impact on the Indian peoples. Topics covered include: the Mediterranean world's historical and scientific dynamics of the Age of Discovery Columbus the man and the mythindigenous societies of the Americas and the Europeanization of the "new world."