Best of the Web

  • This site offers "recipes, activities, and Webcasts that will enhance your understanding of the science behind food and cooking."
  • Site devoted top barbecue and outdoor cookery
  • British Broadvasting Corporation site features articles, recipes, and food-related information.
  • Great ideas on how to include your kids in meal-planning, and fun, kid-friendly recipes.
  • This site highlights "food exhibits, nes/issues, resources, food history, answers to your food questions, book reviews and just plain fun."
  • Provides substitution suggestions from food professionals for ingredients such as butter, eggs, and flour.
  • Site contains information on home baking, including recipes, videos, a glossary, a conversion chart, and a bibliography.
  • Includes recipes and resources.
  • The Audubon Society's Living Ocean site "helps you become more familiar with the fish and shellfish you buy so that you can make choices toward better managed selections. The buying power of consumers can create a market environment that encourages sustainable seafood and abundance in the seas."
  • The Cookbook of the Mycological Society of San Francisco. Online reprint of a 1987 book.