Best of the Web

  • The regulations provided by this site oversee standards and methods of instruction, equipment and housing, catalogs, records, school advertisement, issuing certificates, teaching qualifications and a lot more.
  • This site will give you an opportunity to see if the school you are attending or plan to attend has any actions against it by the State Department of Education. It also provides you with a live link to The Directory of Schools which lists the most current and comprehensive roster of institutions licensed and registered by the Bureau of Proprietary School Supervision and their approved location(s) to conduct instruction.
  • This Website offers one-stop-shopping for links to legislation, Federal Register Notices, Policy Guidance, and Grant Applications for the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Links to Legislation, Regulations, and Policy Guidance for programs still being implemented under the Improving Americas Schools Act are also on this site.
  • The laws governing the operation of non-public schools are available at this Website. Information provided covers licensing standards, disciplinary actions, tuition reimbursement and disclosure to students.
  • Information about how to file a complaint, file a claim to the tuition reimbursement fund, obtain information about cancellation policies and regulations governing private school agents.