
We depend on support from generous individuals like you to help keep our books, classes, and resources FREE for all New Yorkers. Each dollar you give helps the Library serve people of all ages, backgrounds, and beliefs.

  • Make a Contribution

    You don't need to make a long-term commitment to make a lasting impact. Each dollar you donate will go towards keeping our vast collections, educational programs, and community services free for all New Yorkers. Every little bit helps. And thanks to the match, your gift is worth three times as much until December 31.

  • Monthly Giving

    A recurring donation of your choice allows you to make an easy and sustainable impact, and provides us with the consistency to keep services free year-round.

  • Planned Giving

    Did you grow up with the Library? Do you use your local branch or one of our world-class research Libraries? If so, help ensure NYPL remains a vital civic asset for future generations of New Yorkers by making a planned gift.

  • Benefit Events

    NYPL hosts some of New York's most noted events including the Library Lions Gala, the Young Lions Gala, and the Spring Luncheon. Show your support by attending or sponsoring one of many events.

  • Membership

    Membership allows you to join our most loyal community of supporters. Diverse member programs cater to your interests, while special perks acknowledge your valuable presence in the NYPL family.

  • Honor and Memorial Gifts

    Make a gift meaningful. Remember or honor someone special by putting their name on a gift that will serve millions of New Yorkers for years to come.

  • Library's Symbolic Store

    Choose from a variety of gifts that impact lives across the city, from our English classes, after-school programs, career resources, and more. Give the gift yourself or honor a friend or loved one and make a gift in their name.

  • Corporate Support & Sponsorship

    Corporate partnership opportunities range from exhibition sponsorship to support for programs that serve some of New York City’s most vulnerable groups.