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Under New York’s FAST NY Shovel-Ready Grant Program, Empire State Development will provide up to $200 million in grants to prepare and develop sites statewide to jumpstart New York’s shovel-readiness and increase its attractiveness to large employers, including high-tech manufacturing, particularly semiconductor manufacturing, interstate distribution and logistics businesses. The program will help diversify New York State’s economy while propelling new investments for businesses, communities and job creation.

ESD provides grants for pre-development activities and infrastructure investments to develop sites to attract many eligible industries —including, but need not be limited to, high-tech manufacturing, clean-tech renewable energy, life sciences, agribusiness, optics, transportation equipment, materials processing, industrial machinery manufacturing and other advanced manufacturing. These sites can also be used for interstate distribution and logistics. However, ESD may give priority to semiconductor manufacturing projects and related industry and supply chain projects. The Program further provides ESD the ability to award a “FAST NY Shovel-Ready Certification,” for sites that meet high standards of shovel readiness, to support and enhance their marketing efforts to attract many more industries. 



633 Third Avenue, Floor 37
New York, NY 10017

Smallbiz Services Locations: NY
Smallbiz Services Business Types: Business/Professional Services, High Tech, Manufacturing, Retail

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