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Displaying 1-50 of 83 results for author "Huber, Klaus, 1924-2017."

"...inwendig voller figur..." : für Chorstimmen, Lautsprecher, Tonband, und grosses Orchester (1970/71) / Klaus Huber ; Auswahl und Zusammenstellung der Texte vom Komponisten.

Notated music

Mainz : Ars Viva Verlag, [c1974]


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FormatNotated musicCall NumberJMG 81-112Item LocationOffsite
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Tenebrae, für grosses Orchester.

Notated music

Mainz, Ars Viva Verlag [c1969]


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FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall NumberJMG 73-53Item LocationOffsite

In te Domine speravi, für Orgel.

Notated music

Kassel, New York, Bärenreiter [c1966]


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FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall NumberMusic (Sheet) 74-302Item LocationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music

Ein Hauch von Unzeit II, für Klavier. For piano.

Notated music

Köln, Musikverlag H. Gerig; sole distributors for the U. S. A.: MCA Music, New York [c1973]


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall NumberMusic (Sheet) 76-117Item LocationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Ein Hauch von Unzeit I : für Flöte solo = for flute solo / Klaus Huber.

Notated music

Köln : H. Gerig ; New York : sole distributor for the U.S.A. and Canada, Belwin-Mills Music, 1974.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall NumberMusic (Sheet) 82-112Item LocationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Partita für Violoncello und Cembalo : for violoncello and harpsichord : 1954 / Klaus Huber.

Notated music

Basel : Bärenreiter-Verlag, c1980.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall NumberJMF 82-409Item LocationOffsite

Traumgesicht : aus ... inwendig voller figur ... : für Männerstimme allein (1971) / Klaus Huber.

Notated music

Mainz : Ars Viva Verlag, c1976.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall NumberMusic (Sheet) 82-36Item LocationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Senfkorn : 1975, für Oboe, Violine, Viola, Violoncello, Cembalo und Knabenstimme (Sopran) : Partitur / Klaus Huber.

Notated music

München : Ricordi, c1980.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall NumberMusic (Sheet) 83-574Item LocationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Erniedrigt, geknechtet, verlassen, verachtet : für Gesangssolisten, Chor und Orchester / Klaus Huber ; mit Texten von Ernesto Cardenal, Florian Knobloch, Carolina Maria de Jesus, und George Jackson.

Notated music

München : G. Ricordi, c1981.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall NumberJMJ 84-6Item LocationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Performing Arts Research Collections to submit a request in person.

Hiob 19 : (1971) für Chorstimmen und 9 Instrumentalisten / Klaus Huber.

Notated music

Mainz : Ars Viva Verlag, [c1974]


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall NumberJMG 81-689Item LocationOffsite

Ein Hauch von Unzeit III : für variable Besetzung / Klaus Huber.

Notated music

Köln : H. Gerig, c1975.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall NumberMusic (Sheet) 85-602Item LocationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Beati pauperes II : (1979) : Kontrafaktur für kleines Orchester und sieben Einzelstimmen (ad lib.) : Partitur / Klaus Huber.

Notated music

München : Ricordi, c1980.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall NumberJMJ 87-1Item LocationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Performing Arts Research Collections to submit a request in person.

--Inwendig voller Figur-- ; Tempora [sound recording] / Klaus Huber


Mainz, W. Germany : Wergo, p1973-1991.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatAudioCall Number*LDC 6518 (F)Item LocationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Performing Arts Research Collections to submit a request in person.

Ecrits / Klaus Huber ; préface de Philippe Albèra ; traditions, Olivier Mannoni, Vincent Barras, Straco.


Genève : Contrechamps Editions, c1991.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatTextCall NumberJMD 93-649Item LocationOffsite

Ein Hauch von Unzeit II : für Klavier = for piano / Klaus Huber.

Notated music

Wiesbaden : Breitkopf & Härtel, c1980.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall NumberMusic (Sheet) 01-404Item LocationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Umgepflügte Zeit : Schriften und Gespräche / Klaus Huber ; herausgegeben von Max Nyffeler.


Köln : MusikTexte, 1999.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatTextCall NumberJME 01-217Item LocationOffsite

Il pleut des fleurs-- : aus Winter seeds : für Akkordeon (1993) / Klaus Huber.

Notated music

[Aarau?] : HBS Nepomuk, [2000], c1993.


2 Items

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall NumberMusic (Sheet) 06-590Item LocationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music
FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall NumberMusic (Sheet) 06-590Item LocationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Plainte : Lieber spaltet mein Herz : für Viola d'amore, Gitarre und Schlagzeug : 1990/92 / Klaus Huber.

Notated music

München : Ricordi, [2000?], c1993.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall NumberJMH 05-33Item LocationOffsite

Tenebrae [sound recording] ; Intarsi ; Protuberanzen ; James Joyce chamber music / Klaus Huber.


[France] : Timpani, p2004.


2 Items

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatAudioCall Number*LDC 39726 [CD]Item LocationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound
FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatAudioCall Number*LDC 39726 [Notes]Item LocationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Performing Arts Research Collections to submit a request in person.

Lamentationes de fine vicesimi saeculi : für Orchester : 1994 / Klaus Huber.

Notated music

München : Ricordi, [2006?], c1994.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall NumberJMJ 06-1Item LocationOffsite

La terre tourne sur les cornes d'un taurau-- = Die Erde dreht sich auf den Hörnern eines Stiers-- : für vier arabische und zwei europäische Musiker und Tonband / Klaus Huber ; [Text von Mahmud Doulatabadi].

Notated music

München : Ricordi, c1994.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall NumberMusic (Sheet) 06-1011Item LocationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Bicinium : an old man-- : in memoriam Carl Améry : für Violine und Bassbariton : 2005 / Klaus Huber.

Notated music

München : Ricordi, c2005.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall NumberMusic (Sheet)+ 09-114Item LocationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Von Zeit zu Zeit : das Gesamtschaffen : Gespräche mit Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf / Klaus Huber.


Hofheim : Wolke Verlag, 2009.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatTextCall NumberJME 09-909Item LocationOffsite

Alveare vernat : für Flöte und zwölf Solo-Striecher.

Notated music

Mainz : B. Schott's Söhne ; New York : Associated Music Publishers, [1967]


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall Number*MX (Huber, K. Alveare vernat)Item LocationOffsite

Concerto per la camerata : für 6 Instrumente, 1954/55.

Notated music

Locarno : Heinrichshofen, [©1966]


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall Number*MX (Huber, K. Concerto per la camerata)Item LocationOffsite

Moteti-cantiones : für Streichquartett. 1962/63.

Notated music

Mainz : B. Schott's Söhne ; New York : Schott Music Corp. (Associated Music Publishers), [1964]


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall Number*MX (Huber, K. Moteti-cantiones)Item LocationOffsite

Zwei Sätze für sieben Blechbläser, 1957/58.

Notated music

Mainz : B. Schott's Söhne ; New York : Schott Music Corp., [1964]


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall Number*MX (Huber, K. Zwei Sätze. 1964)Item LocationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Performing Arts Research Collections to submit a request in person.

Zwei Sätze für sieben Blechbläser.

Notated music

Mainz : B. Schott's Söhne, [1967]


2 Items

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall Number*MX (Huber, K. Zwei Sätze. 1967)Item LocationOffsite
FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall Number*MX (Huber, K. Zwei Sätze. 1967)Item LocationOffsite

Drei Sätze in zwei Teilen : für Bläserquintett = Three movements in two parts : for wind quintet / Klaus Huber.

Notated music

Kassel ; New York : Bärenreiter, 1962.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall Number*MX (Huber, K. Drei Sätze)Item LocationOffsite

Miserere hominibus-- : Kantate für sieben Solo-Stimmen und sieben Instrumentalisten, 2005/2006 / Klaus Huber.

Notated music

München : Ricordi, [2012], ©2006.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall Number76.5 H862 M6Item LocationOff-site

L'âge de notre ombre : für Altflöte, Viola d'amore und Harfe : 1998 / Klaus Huber.

Notated music

München : G. Ricordi, [between 2000 and 2099?], ©1998.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall Number51 H862 Ag3Item LocationOff-site

--à l'âme de descendre de sam monture et aller sur ses pieds de soie- ; Metanoia / Klaus Huber.


München : Neos, [2012]


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatAudioCall NumberCD23030Item LocationOff-site

Rauhe Pinselspitze I / II / III : für Kayagam und Buk, Violoncello pizzicato und Buk, Violoncello pizzicato 1992/1993 / Klaus Huber.

Notated music

[München] : Ricordi, [2014], c1993.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall Number23.1 H862 R19Item LocationOff-site

--Ñudo que ansi juntäis-- : für 16 Solostimmen in drei Gruppen / Klaus Huber ; auf Texte von Teresa de Avila und Pablo Neruda.

Notated music

München : Ricordi, [1984], ©1984.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall Number76 H862 N8Item LocationOff-site

Ecrits / Klaus Huber ; préface de Philippe Albèra ; traditions, Olivier Mannoni, Vincent Barras, Straco.


Genève : Contrechamps Editions, [1991], ©1991.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatTextCall NumberML410.H878 E97 1991gItem LocationOff-site

Ein Hauch von Unzeit VIII : (plainte sur le perte de la réflexion musicale) / Klaus Huber ; Fassung für Violoncello von Michael Bach.

Notated music

Wiesbaden [Germany] : Breitkopf & Härtel, [1994], ©1994.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall Number23.1 H862 H2Item LocationOff-site

Ein Hauch von Unzeit II : für Klavier / Klaus Huber.

Notated music

Wiesbaden : Breitkopf & Härtel, [1973], ©1973.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall Number11 H861 H2Item LocationOff-site

Tenebrae : für grosses Orchester.

Notated music

Mainz : Ars Viva Verlag, [1969], [©1969]


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatNotated musicCall Number61 H862 T2Item LocationOff-site

Umgepflügte Zeit : Schriften und Gespräche / Klaus Huber ; herausgegeben von Max Nyffeler.


Köln : MusikTexte, 1999.


1 Item

FormatCall NumberItem Location
FormatTextCall NumberML410.H878 U6 1999gItem LocationOff-site

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