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Displaying 1-50 of 116 results for author "Denisov, Ėdison Vasilʹevich, 1929-1996."
Udarnye instrumenty v sovremennom orkestre / Ė. Denisov.
Moskva : Sov. kompozitor, 1982.
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FormatText | Call numberJMD 83-242 | Item locationOffsite |
Signes en blanc : für Klavier / Edison Denissow.
Notated music
Köln : Musikverlag H. Gerig ; New York : sole distributors for the U. S. A. and Canada, Belwin-Mills Music Corp., [c1978]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 81-262 | Item locationOffsite |
Quintett, für Flöte, Oboe, Klarinette, Horn und Fagott.
Notated music
[London] Universal Edition [c1969]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic (Sheet) 72-45 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music.
Die Sonne der Inkas, für Sopran, 3 Sprecher und 11 Instrumentalisten [von] Edison Denisow. Gedichte von Gabriela Mistral. Russisch von Owadij Sawitsch. Rückübertragung von Natalie Leufgen.
Notated music
[London] Universal Edition [1971]
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 74-292 | Item locationOffsite |
Symphony for two string orchestras and percussions.
Notated music
Moscow, Soviet Composer, 1974.
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMD 74-314 | Item locationOffsite |
Sonate pour saxophone alto et piano.
Notated music
Paris, A. Leduc [1973]
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 73-1060 | Item locationOffsite |
Chansons italiennes, für Sopran, Flöte, Violine, Horn und Clavicembalo [von] Edison Denisov. Gedichte von Alexander Blok; deutsche Übersetzung von Helmut Wagner.
Notated music
Budapest, Editio Musica [c1973]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 75-941 | Item locationOffsite |
Trio, für Violine, Violoncello und Klavier (1971) [von] Edison Denissow.
Notated music
Leipzig, Edition Peters [c1975]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 77-284 | Item locationOffsite |
Konzert; für Violoncello und Orchester [von] Edison Denissow. Concerto; for violoncello and orchestra [by] Edison Denissov.
Notated music
Leipzig, Edition Peters [1975, c1973]
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 78-218 | Item locationOffsite |
Trio; für Violine, Violoncello und Klavier (1971) [von] Edison Denissow.
Notated music
Leipzig, Edition Peters [c1975]
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 79-267 | Item locationOffsite |
Canon en memoire d'Igor Strawinsky : für Flöte, Klarinette (B) und Harfe / Edison Denissow.
Notated music
Köln : Musikverlag H. Gerig ; New York : sole distributors for the U. S. A. and Canada, Belwin-Mills Music Corp., [c1979]
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 81-263 | Item locationOffsite |
Choral varié : pour trombone et piano / Edison Denisov.
Notated music
Paris : A. Leduc, [c1979]
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 81-772 | Item locationOffsite |
Konzert für Klavier und Orchester = Kon︠t︡sert dl︠i︡a fortepiano s orkestrom = Concerto for piano and orchestra / Edison Denissow.
Notated music
Leipzig : Edition Peters : Frankfurt : New York : C.F. Peters, c1978.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 81-739 | Item locationOffsite |
D-S-C-H : per clarinetto, trombone, violoncello e pianoforte / Edison Denisow.
Notated music
Wien : Universal Edition, c1972.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 83-179 | Item locationOffsite |
Blätter : 5 Lieder für Sopran und Streichtrio : nach Gedichten von Francisco Tanzer / Edison Denissow.
Notated music
Hamburg : Musikverlag H. Sikorski, [c1979]
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 82-31 | Item locationOffsite |
Requiem für Sopran, Tenor, gem. Chor und Orchester / Edison Denissow ; nach gedichten von F. Tanzer und liturgischen Texten.
Notated music
Hamburg : Sikorski, [1983?], c1980.
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 88-1364 | Item locationOffsite |
Concerto piccolo : pour quatre saxophones successifs et six percussionnistes / Edison Denisov.
Notated music
Paris : Leduc, c1982.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 84-139 | Item locationOffsite |
Chant d'automne : pour soprano et grand orchestre / Edison Denisow ; poèms de Charles Baudelaire.
Notated music
Wien : Universal Edition, c1972.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 84-278 | Item locationOffsite |
Prélude et air : pour flûte et piano / Edison Denisov.
Notated music
Paris : A. Leduc, [c1979]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic (Sheet) 84-1007 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music.
Flute concerto [sound recording] / [Edison] Denisov.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatAudio | Call number*LT-7 2245 | Item locationOffsite |
Not available - Please for assistance.
[Crescendo e diminuendo, harpsichord & strings] [sound recording] / Denisov.
1 item
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FormatAudio | Call number*LT-7 2208 | Item locationOffsite |
Not available - Please for assistance.
Sonate für Flöte und Gitarre / Edison Denissow.
Notated music
Hamburg : Sikorski, c1978.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMH 84-36 | Item locationOffsite |
Kon︠t︡sert dl︠i︡a skripki s orkestrom / Ė. Denisov = Concerto for violin and orchestra / E. Denisov.
Notated music
Moskva : Sov. kompozitor, 1984.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 87-1001 | Item locationOffsite |
Crescendo e diminuendo : per cembalo e 12 archi : (giuoco per 13) / Edison Denisow.
Notated music
Wien : Universal Edition, c1972.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic (Sheet) 85-231 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music.
Trio für Oboe, Violoncello und Cembalo / Edison Denissow.
Notated music
Hamburg : Sikorski, [1985?]
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 87-712 | Item locationOffsite |
Sonate für Gitarre solo / Edison Denissow ; [Redaktion, Reinbert Evers].
Notated music
Hamburg : Edition Sikorski, c1981.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMH 87-136 | Item locationOffsite |
Sovremenna︠i︡a muzyka i problemy evol︠i︡utsii kompozitorskoĭ tekhniki / ʹE. Denisov.
Moskva : Vses. Izd-vo Sovetskiĭ Kompozitor, 1986.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call number*QDZ 87-6728 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art & Architecture Room 300 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Sonate pour basson seul / Edison Denisov.
Notated music
Paris : A. Leduc, c1985.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic (Sheet) 88-1059 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music.
Sonate pour flûte et harpe, MCMLXXXV / Edison Denisov.
Notated music
Paris : A. Leduc, c1985.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 88-894 | Item locationOffsite |
Sonate pour flûte seule / Edison Denisov.
Notated music
Paris : A. Leduc, 1985.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 89-730 | Item locationOffsite |
Plachi = Les pleurs = Klagelieder : für Sopran, drei Schlagzeuger und Klavier nach russischen Volksdichtungen / Edison Denisow.
Notated music
[Wien] : Universal Edition, [c1972]
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 81-724 [R] | Item locationOffsite |
Drei Stücke für Klavier zu vier Händen / Edison Denisow.
Notated music
Wien : Universal, c1968.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 90-402 | Item locationOffsite |
Quintett für Flöte, Oboe, Klarinette, Fagott und Horn / Edison Denisow.
Notated music
Wien : Universal, c1971.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMC 90-70 | Item locationOffsite |
Hommage à Pierre : 1985 : pour ensemble de chambre (2 flûtes, 2 clarinettes en si ♭, cor en fa, vibraphone, harpe, piano, violon, alto et violoncello) / Edison Denisov.
Notated music
Paris : A. Leduc, c1987.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 90-556 | Item locationOffsite |
Two pieces for three instruments in C or B♭ / Edison Denisov.
Notated music
London ; New York : Boosey & Hawkes, c1987.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 90-1286 | Item locationOffsite |
Tod ist ein langer Schlaf : Variationen über ein Thema von J. Haydn für Violoncello und Orchester / Edison Denissow.
Notated music
Hamburg : H. Sikorski, c1983.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 90-1567 | Item locationOffsite |
Ispovedʹ : balet v trekh deĭstvi︠i︡akh / Ė. Denisov ; libretto A. Demidova, po motivam romana A. de M︠i︡usse Ispovedʹ syna veka.
Notated music
Moskva : Sov. kompozitor, 1989.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 90-152 | Item locationOffsite |
Es ist genug : Variationen über das Choralthema von J. S. Bach für Viola und Klavier / Edison Denissow = Varia︠t︡sii na temu khorala I.S. Bakha dl︠i︡a alʹta i fortepiano : 1989 / Edison Denisov.
Notated music
Hamburg : H. Sikorski, c1989.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 91-427 | Item locationOffsite |
Sextet for flute, oboe, clarinet, and string trio / Edison Denisov.
Notated music
London : Boosey & Hawkes, c1988.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 91-728 | Item locationOffsite |
Variationen über ein Thema von Schubert : für Violoncello und Klavier / Edison Denissow.
Notated music
Hamburg : Edition Sikorski, c1988.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 91-733 | Item locationOffsite |
Drei Bilder nach Paul Klee : für Viola und Ensemble = Tri kartiny Paul︠i︡a Klee : dl︠i︡a aʹlta i ansambl︠i︡a : 1984/85 / Edison Denissow.
Notated music
Leipzig : VEB Deutscher Verlag für Musik, c1986.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 90-1791 | Item locationOffsite |
Detskie pʹesy : dl︠i︡a fortepiano / Ė. Denisov.
Notated music
Moskva : Sov. kompozitor, 1989.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 91-165 | Item locationOffsite |
Trio für Violine, Viola und Violoncello (1969) / Edison Denisow.
Notated music
Wien : Universal Edition, c1972.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJMC 91-179 | Item locationOffsite |
Na snezhnom kostre : vokalʹnyĭ ︠t︡sikl na stikhi A. Bloka : dl︠i︡a golosa i fortepiano / Ė. Denisov.
Notated music
Moskva : Sovetskiĭ kompozitor, 1990.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 92-327 | Item locationOffsite |
Musik für elf Blasinstrumente und Pauken = Music for eleven wind instruments and kettle-drums = Musique pour onze instruments à vent et timbales : (1961) / Edison Denissow.
Notated music
Leipzig : Edition Peters, c1972.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 92-493 | Item locationOffsite |
Variationen = Varia︠t︡sii = Variations : 1961 / Edison Denissow.
Notated music
[S.l. : s.n., 1961?]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic (Sheet) 92-202 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music.
Konzert für Viola und Orchester = Concerto for viola and orchestra / Edison Denisov.
Notated music
Hamburg : H. Sikorski, c1986.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 92-730 | Item locationOffsite |
Penie ptiu : dl︠i︡a klavesina ili podgotovlenogo ro︠i︡al︠i︡a i magnitofonnoĭ lenty = Chant des oiseaux : pour clavecin (ou piano préparé) et bande magnetique / E. Denisov.
Notated music
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic (Sheet) 92-282 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music.
Quintett für Klarinette, 2 Violinen, Viola und Violoncello = Quintet for clarinet, 2 violins, viola and violoncello / Edison Denissow.
Notated music
Hamburg : H. Sikorski, c1987.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 93-38 | Item locationOffsite |
Drei Stücke für Violoncello und Klavier / Edison Denisow.
Notated music
Wien : Universal Edition, c1992.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 93-1094 | Item locationOffsite |