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Uncle Tom's cabin (Motion picture): lobby card, 1918.

Still image


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NYPL Digital Collections
FormatCall numberItem location
FormatStill imageCall number*T-LC (Uncle Tom's cabin (Motion picture, 1918))Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Theatre
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Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Theatre

Anne Isabella Byron, Lady Byron manuscript material : 132 items, 1809-1860.

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FormatMixed materialCall numberPforz MSItem locationSchwarzman Building - Pforzheimer Collection Room 319

Mémoires du Général Toussaint-L'Ouverture : écrits par lui-même, pouvant servir à l'histoire de sa vie / par Saint-Rémy (des Cayes, Haïti) ; ornés d'un beau portrait gravé par Choubard ; précédés d'une étude historique et critique, suivis de notes et renseignements, avec un appendice contenant les opinions de l'empereur Napoléon 1er sur les événements de Saint-Domingue.


Paris : Pagnerre, libraire-ed́iteur, Rue de Seine, 18, 1853.


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FormatTextCall numberSc Rare B-Toussaint Louverture (Toussaint Louverture. Mémoires du général Toussaint L'Ouverture)Item locationSchomburg Center - Manuscripts & Archives
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An inside view of slavery, or, A tour among the planters / by C.G. Parsons, M.D. ; with an introductory note by Mrs. H.B. Stowe.


Boston : Published by John P. Jewett and Company ; Cleveland, Ohio : Jewett, Proctor and Worthington, 1855.


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FormatTextCall numberSc 326.973-P (Parson, C. Inside view of slavery) -- (Lapidus Cage)Item locationSchomburg Center - Manuscripts & Archives

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Uncle Tom's cabin : Entrance of Topsy / Harriet Beecher Stowe.


Orange, N.J. : Edison Amberol, [1910]


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FormatAudioCall number*LCYL 714Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound

A Library of famous fiction : embracing the nine standard masterpieces of imaginative literature (unabridged) / with an introduction by Harriet Beecher Stowe.


New York : J.B. Ford, 1873.


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FormatTextCall numberKF 2864Item locationOff-site
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The works of Charlotte Elizabeth / with an introduction by Mrs. H.B. Stowe.


New York : Published by M.W. Dodd, 1847-


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FormatTextCall numberKF 4505 v.1Item locationOff-site

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