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Lamenti, per soprano e pianoforte, sù poesie di F. García Lorca.

Notated music

London, New York, Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers, 1970.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMG 73-44Item locationOffsite
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Night of the four moons. for alto, alto flute (doubling piccolo), banjo, electric cello, and percussion (one player)

Notated music

[New York, C. F. Peters Corp., 1973, c1971]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberJNJ 75-2Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Performing Arts Research Collections to submit a request in person.

Songs, drones, and refrains of death, for baritone, electric guitar, electric contrabass, electric piano (& electric harpsichord), and two percussionists.

Notated music

[New York, C. F. Peters Corp., 1973, c1971]


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJNJ 75-1Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

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San Gabriel (1966) dal Romancero gitano, di F. García Lorca, per voce e strumenti.

Notated music

[Milano] Ricordi [c1970]


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMG 73-344Item locationOffsite

Madrigals / George Crumb.

Notated music

New York, C. F. Peters Corp. [c1971]


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJNG 74-235Item locationOffsite

Federico García Lorca / [por] Miguel García-Posada.


Madrid : Edaf, D.L. 1979.


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FormatTextCall numberJFC 80-2081Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Les poètes du monde défendent le peuple espagnol, 3 : deux poèmes / par Federico Garcia Lorca et Langston Hughes.


[Réanville] : Composé à la main par Nancy Cunard et Pablo Neruda, [1937]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberSc Rare+ F 82-2Item locationSchomburg Center - Manuscripts & Archives

Lorca's Romancero gitano : a ballad translation and critical study / by Carl W. Cobb.


Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, c1983.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFF 83-467Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFF 83-467Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Chamber music no. 2 : soprano solo, ten players, electronic tape / Leonard Rosenman ; on a text by Federico García Lorca.

Notated music

[New York?] : Peer International Corp., c1978.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJNG 83-38Item locationOffsite

Epitaffio no. 1, 2 e 3 / Luigi Nono.

Notated music

Mainz : Ars Viva Verlag, [c1974]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberJMG 88-1623Item locationOffsite

Três historietas del viento : coro SATB, oboé, cow-bells, flautas de êmbolo / Marco Antonio da Silva Ramos.

Notated music

São Paulo, Brasil : Serviço de Difusão de Partituras, [1981?]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberJMG 87-77Item locationOffsite

La casada infiel : para canto y piano / romance de Federico García Lorca ; [música de] Carlos Chávez.

Notated music

1941 oct.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberJOB 84-11 no. 28Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Federico García Lorca / Ian Gibson.


Barcelona : Grijalbo, 1985-1987.


2 items

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FormatTextCall numberJFK 85-297 v. 2Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberJFK 85-297 v. 1Item locationOffsite

Themen der Literatur in Grafikfolgen und in Bildern : Ausstellung in der Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel / Marianne Lautensack ; [Ausstellung und Katalog, Adolf Flach].


[Wolfenbüttel : Die Bibliothek], 1980.


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FormatTextCall number3-MCK L3885 84-2940Item locationSASB - Art & Architecture Rm 300

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - SASB to submit a request in person.

Cantos sinfonicos : für gemischten Chor u. Orchester, 1973/4, 1984 / Horst Lohse ; nach Gedichten von Federico Garcia Lorca.

Notated music

Bad Schwalbach : Edition Gravis, c1985.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberJMF 87-603Item locationOffsite

Ya viene la noche : ópera de cámara = Schon naht sich der Abend = Twilight in Granada / Eberhard Eyser ; letra, Federico García Lorca.

Notated music

Stockholm, Sweden : Svensk musik, c1984.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberJMG 87-572Item locationOffsite

Verde que te quero verde : ensaio de interpretação do Romanceiro gitano de Garcia Lorca / José Carlos Lisboa.


Rio de Janeiro : Zahar Editores em convênio com o Instituto Nacional do Livro, Fundação Nacional Pró-Memória, 1983.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFD 86-7447Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Lorca / André Belamich.


[Paris] : Gallimard, 1983.


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FormatTextCall numberJFC 87-223Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Iglesia abandonada : balada de la gran guerra : for soprano & violin / Stephen Hartke ; [words by] Federico García Lorca.

Notated music

[S.l.] : Serenissima Music Co. ; Fort Lauderdale, Fla. : Sole agent, Unicorn Music Co., c1984.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMF 88-631Item locationOffsite

Plach gitary: vokalńyĭ t︠s︡ikl na stikhi G. Lorki / M. Minkov.

Notated music

Moskva : Sov. kompozitor, 1983.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMF 85-880Item locationOffsite

Canto : music for chamber choir and orchester, 1985 / Andries van Rossem ; poem by Federico García Lorca.

Notated music

Amsterdam : Donemus, c1986.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMH 88-5Item locationOffsite

Romansy na slova G. Lorki / B. Maĭzelʹ ; [perevody A. Geleskula].

Notated music

Moskva : Sov. kompozitor, 1976.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMF 86-225Item locationOffsite

Lorca, the drawings : their relation to the poet's life and work / Helen Oppenheimer.


London : Herbert Press, c1986.


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FormatTextCall number3-MCQ G21 87-4999Item locationSASB - Art & Architecture Rm 300

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Psychotextes : la question de l'autre dans Federico García Lorca / Michèle Ramond ; traduction des textes de Federico García Lorca par l'auteur.


Toulouse : Eché, 1986.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFE 88-3394Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Seis canciones españolas : para voz, flauta y piano / letra de Federico García Lorca ; música de Carmen Santiago de Meras.

Notated music

Madrid : Ediciones Quiroga, c1986.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMG 89-553Item locationOffsite

Andaluzas : para canto & marimba / Eberhard Eyser ; letras, Federico García Lorca.

Notated music

Stockholm : Swed. Mus. I.C., 1984.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberMusic (Sheet) 89-139Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

El Polifemo de oro : for solo guitar / Reginald Smith Brindle.

Notated music

London ; New York : Schott, c1982.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberMusic (Sheet) 86-809Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Tarde : madrigale a 10 voci su testi di F. G. Lorca sopra sistemi a intonazione assoluta (1971, da materiali del 1967) / Franco Piva.

Notated music

Pisa : Giardini, 1977


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMN 75-16 t. 12Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

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Federico García Lorca, dibujos / proyecto y catalogación, Mario Hernández.


[S.l. : s.n., 1987]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall number3-MCQ G21 88-2591Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art and Architecture Room 300

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Lorca, su lírica : texto y comentario del "Llanto" / Cecilio Peña.


Montevideo : La Casa del Estudiante, 1977.


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FormatTextCall numberJFD 89-11123Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Lorca's late poetry : a critical study / Andrew A. Anderson.


Leeds : F. Cairns, 1990.


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FormatTextCall numberJFD 90-9121Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Cuando yo me muera-- : essays in memory of Federico García Lorca / [edited by] C. Brian Morris.


Lanham, MD : University Press of America, c1988.


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FormatTextCall numberJFE 88-7280Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Viaje al sueño del agua : el misterio de los poemas gallegos de García Lorca / José Landeira Yrago.


Coruña : Ediciós do Castro, 1986.


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FormatTextCall numberJFD 89-1447Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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A cycle of six songs set to poems of Frederico [sic] García Lorca; for soprano and ten instruments / by Alvin Brehm.

Notated music



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FormatNotated musicCall numberJPB 90-84Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Cantos sinfónicos : für Chor und Orchester, 1973/74 / Horst Lohse ; nach Gedichten von F. García Lorca.

Notated music

Bad Schwalbach : Edition Gravis, c1985.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMG 87-271Item locationOffsite

Dialog mit Lorca : für Orchester / Volker M. Plangg.

Notated music

Berlin : Astoria Verlag, c1984.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMG 88-1459Item locationOffsite

Libro de los dibujos de Federico García Lorca / Mario Hernandez.


Madrid : Tabapress : Fundación Federico García Lorca, c1990.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall number3-MCQ+ G21 91-11787Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art and Architecture Room 300

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Gemido de la guitarra : a song / Joelle Wallach.

Notated music

New York, N.Y. : American Composers Alliance, c1985.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberMusic-Am. (Sheet) 92-98Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Cantos de Lorca / by Gerald Gabel.

Notated music

New York, N.Y. : Seesaw Music, c1991.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJNG 92-485Item locationOffsite

Lorca e i gitani / Candido Panebianco.


Roma : Bulzoni, c1984.


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FormatTextCall numberJFD 92-17022Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Ballad of the black sorrow / Simon Holt.

Notated music

[London] : Universal Edition, c1989.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMG 93-79Item locationOffsite

Selected proceedings of the Singularidad y trascendencia Conference, held at Hofstra University, November 6, 7, 8, 1986 : a semicentennial tribute to Miguel de Unamuno, Ramón del Valle-Inclán, and Federico García Lorca / Nora de Marval-McNair, editor.


Boulder, Colo. : Society of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies, c1990.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFD 93-1348Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

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