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La traite des nègres et la croisade africaine, comprenant la lettre encyclique de Léon XIII sur l'esclavage, le discours du cardinal Lavigerie, les témoignages des grands explorateurs: Livingstone, Cameron, Stanley, des missionnaires français, etc. ainsi que l'organisation des Socétés antiesclavagistes en France et en Europe. par Alexis M.-G.


Paris, Ch. Poussielgue, 1891.


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FormatTextCall numberSc 326.1-G (Gochet, J. Traite des nègres)Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference
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Five great encyclicals : labor, education, marriage, reconstructing the social order, atheistic communism / with Discussion Club outlines by Gerald C. Treacy.


New York : Paulist Press, c1939.


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FormatTextCall numberZM (Catholic church. Roman. Pope. Five great encyclicals) Library has: 1878-1903Item locationOffsite
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The condition of labour : an open letter to Pope Leo XIII, with encyclical of Leo XIII / by Henry George.


London : S. Sonnenschein, 1892.


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FormatTextCall numberTDI (George, H. Condition of labour)Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

The land question : what it involves and how alone it can be settled / Henry George.


New York : Doubleday & McClure, 1901, c1881.


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FormatTextCall numberTEK (George, H. Land question. 1901)Item locationOffsite

The condition of labour : an open letter to Pope Leo XIII, with encyclical of Leo XIII / by Henry George.


London : S. Sonnenschein, 1892.


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FormatTextCall numberTDI (George, H. Condition of labor. 2d. ed. 1892))Item locationOffsite

Albert le Grand et Saint Thomas d\u0027Aquin; ou La science au moyen âge / par l\u0027Abbé Reinhard de Liechty ...


Paris [etc.] : Société Générale de Librairie Catholique, 1880.


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FormatTextCall numberGQ89 R36Item locationOff-site

The condition of labour : an open letter to Pope Leo XIII, with encyclical of Leo XIII / by Henry George.


London : S. Sonnenschein, 1892.


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FormatTextCall numberEcon 2327.26.2Item locationOff-site

The land question : what it involves, and how alone it can be settled.


New York : Doubleday & McClure Co., 1898, [cop 1881].


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FormatTextCall numberEcon 2327.38Item locationOff-site

Institutiones historiae ecclesiasticae ad vota Leonis XIII in epistola "Saepenumero" 18 augusti 1883 / Jo. Baptista Pighi.


Verona : Sorores Cinquetti Filiae Felicis, 1922.


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FormatTextCall number C 1836.20 3Item locationOff-site
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FormatTextCall number C 1836.20 2Item locationOff-site
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FormatTextCall number C 1836.20 1Item locationOff-site

Litterae encyclicae : duobus primis sui pontificatus annis ; editae / Leonis XIII, pont. max.


Romae : Ex Typographia Vaticana, 1880.


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FormatTextCall number BX1374.1 .L57 1880 Item locationOff-site

Popes against modern errors : 16 papal documents / arranged and edited by Anthony J. Mioni.


Rockford, IL : Tan Books, 1999.


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FormatTextCall numberBX1397 .P66 1999Item locationOff-site

Fede e cultura : antologia di testi del magistero pontificio da Leone XIII a Giovanni Paolo II.


Città del Vaticano : Libreria editrice vaticana, c2003.


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FormatTextCall numberBX850 .F43 2003Item locationOff-site

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