José Serebrier conducts Peter Mennin, José Serebrier, William Lee. Title José Serebrier conducts Peter Mennin, José Serebrier, William Lee. Published by LIC, NY : Urlicht AudioVisual, [2016] ©2016 Details Additional authors Karr, Gary, 1941- Serebrier, José, 1938- Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 1792-1822. Mennin, Peter Lee, William F. Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, instrumentalist Orchestre symphonique de la R.T.B.F., instrumentalist Plainfield Symphony, instrumentalist Description 1 online resource (1 sound file) Subject Streaming audio Mixed media (Music) Aleatory music Concertos (Double bass) Orchestral music Symphonies Genre/Form Streaming audio. Contents Symphony no. 9 / Peter Mennin -- Poema elegiaco / José Serebrier -- Veri / William Franklin Lee III -- Nueve / José Serebrier. Note The 4th work a mixed-media concerto for double bass, string orchestra, 2 clarinets (among the audience), 2 jazz drummers, wordless choir, and visuals; the soloist recites lines from Shelley's Prometheus unbound. "Originally issued on Finnadar Records 90937-1, 1983 [that is, 1988?]; track 10 recorded in 1969, originally issued on Dharma Productions GFL-1." Language (note) The 4th work includes some spoken English. Title José Serebrier conducts Peter Mennin, José Serebrier, William Lee. Publisher LIC, NY : Urlicht AudioVisual, [2016] Copyright date ©2016 Type of content performed music Type of medium computer Type of carrier online resource Digital file characteristics audio file Performer Gary Karr, double bass (4th work) ; Adelaide Symphony Orchestra (1st, 3rd works) ; Orchestre symphonique de la RTBF Bruxelles (2nd work) ; Plainfield Symphony Orchestra (4th work) ; José Serebrier, conductor. Language The 4th work includes some spoken English. Source of description Hard copy version record. Connect to: Access Naxos Music Library Added author Karr, Gary, 1941- instrumentalist. Serebrier, José, 1938- composer, conductor. 4th work Musical setting of (work): Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 1792-1822. Prometheus unbound. Container of (work): Mennin, Peter. Symphonies, no. 9. Container of (work): Serebrier, José, 1938- Poema elegiaco. Container of (work): Lee, William F. Veri. Container of (work): Serebrier, José, 1938- Nueve. Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, instrumentalist. Orchestre symphonique de la R.T.B.F., instrumentalist. Plainfield Symphony, instrumentalist. Other form: Source record: José Serebrier conducts Peter Mennin, José Serebrier, William Lee. LIC, NY : Ulricht Audiovisual, [2016] (OCoLC)949873696 Other standard identifier QMWA91300101 QMWA91300103 QMWA91300102 QMWA91300104 QMWA91300105 QMWA91300106 QMWA91300107 QMWA91300108 QMWA91300109 QMWA91300110 Publisher no. UAV-ED-5985 Urlicht AudioVisual Branch call number eNYPL Music View in legacy catalogNavigation arrow Help and Feedback