La pastorale. Title La pastorale. Published by [Milan, Italy] : La Bottega Discantica, [1997?] Details Additional authors Farina, Maria Cecilia Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Frescobaldi, Girolamo, 1583-1643. Zipoli, Domenico, 1688-1726. Pachelbel, Johann, 1653-1706. Bach, Johann Michael, 1648-1694. Murschhauser, Franz Xaver, 1663-1738. Scarlatti, Domenico, 1685-1757. Balbastre, Claude, 1724-1799. Petrali, Vincenzo Franck, César, 1822-1890. Description 1 online resource (1 sound file) Subject Streaming audio Sonatas (Organ) Toccatas Organ music Genre/Form Streaming audio. Contents In dulci jubilo, BWV 729 / J.S. Bach -- Toccate e partite d'intavolatura di cimbalo et organo, libro primo.Capriccio pastorale / Frescobaldi -- Pastorale / Zipoli -- Toccata in F major / Pachelbel -- In dulci jubilo / J.M. Bach -- Aria pastoralis variata / Murschhauser -- Keyboard sonata in C major, K.513/L.S3/P.176 / Scarlatti -- Pastorale in F major, BWV 590 / J.S. Bach -- Recueil de noels formant 4 suittes. Suite no. 2. Il est un petit l'ange, Noel suisse / Balbastre -- Post communio pastorale -- Messa solenne. Pastorale per l'elevazione / Petrali -- L'organiste, M. 24, volume 2. Grand choeur in C major / Franck. Title La pastorale. Publisher [Milan, Italy] : La Bottega Discantica, [1997?] Type of content performed music Type of medium computer Type of carrier online resource Digital file characteristics audio file Performer Maria Cecilia Farina, organ. Connect to: Access Naxos Music Library Added author Farina, Maria Cecilia, instrumentalist. Container of (work): Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. In dulci jubilo (Chorale prelude), BWV 729. Container of (work): Frescobaldi, Girolamo, 1583-1643. Toccate e partite d'intavolatura, libro 1o. Capriccio pastorale. Container of (work): Zipoli, Domenico, 1688-1726. Sonate d'intavolatura. Pt. 1. Pastorale. Container of (work): Pachelbel, Johann, 1653-1706. Toccatas, organ, F major. Container of (work): Bach, Johann Michael, 1648-1694. In dulci jubilo. Container of (work): Murschhauser, Franz Xaver, 1663-1738. Octi-tonium novum organicum. Aria pastoralis variata, G major. Container of (work): Scarlatti, Domenico, 1685-1757. Sonatas, harpsichord, K. 513, C major. Container of (work): Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Pastorale, organ, BWV 590, F major. Container of (work): Balbastre, Claude, 1724-1799. Recueil de noëls. No 2. Il est un petit l'ange. Container of (work): Petrali, Vincenzo. Messa solenne, F major. Pastorale per l'elevazione. Container of (work): Franck, César, 1822-1890. Grand chœur, C major. Publisher no. 8015203100282 La Bottega Discantica Branch call number eNYPL Music View in legacy catalogNavigation arrow Help and Feedback