Almande 3 / Augustine Bassano -- Almande 4 : The princes masque I / Robert Johnson -- Almande 16 / Jerome Bassano -- Almande 6 : The princes masque II / Johnson -- Fanfare from Trumpet ensemble sonata no. 53 / Heinrich Lübeck -- Pavana / A. Bassano -- Dulcina ; Alman / anonymous -- Buzz, quoth the blue fly / Edward Nelham -- Now my cunning lady, moon ; The satyrs dance / Johnson -- Melt earth to sea : instruments only ; Melt earth to sea : [song] / Peter Holman -- Dulcina / anonymous -- Seek you, majesy, to strike? / Johnson ; choruses by Peter Holman -- The fairies dance / Johnson -- The solemn rites are well begun / Alfonso Ferrabosco II ; choruses by Peter Holman -- The first of the princes / Johnson -- Nay, nay, you must stay / Ferrabosco II -- The second of the princes ; Nor yet o you in this night blest / Johnson -- Dances. Pavan ; Coranto : The fairie-round ; Coranto : As it fell on holie eve ; Galliard ; Galliard ; Almaine : The honie-suckle ; Almaine : The night watch / by Antony Holborne -- Gentle Knights / Ferrabosco II ; chorus by Peter Holman -- The third of the princes / Johnson -- O yet how early, and before her time / Ferrabosco II ; chorus by Peter Holman -- Fanfare from Trumpet ensemble sonata no. 34 : Meister Thomas Fideler / Magnus Thomsen -- Almande / Ferrabosco II.
Vocal and instrumental music from or contemporary with the masque, together with recent reconstructions.
"A masque for Henry, Prince of Wales, performed at the Banqueting Hall, Whitehall, on New Year's Day, 1611."
"Editions and reconstructions by Peter Holman and Peter Downey."
Words by Ben Johnson.
Language (note)
Sung in English.
The masque of Oberon.
[London] : Decca, [1997]
Copyright date
Type of content
performed music
Type of medium
Type of carrier
online resource
Digital file characteristics
audio file
Libby Crabtree, Julia Gooding, Helen Groves, Meredith Hall, Helen Parker, sopranos ; Paul Agnew, Joseph Cornwell, Simon Davies, Andrew King, tenors ; Tom Finucane, Jacob Heringman, lute ; Musicians of the Globe ; Philip Pickett, director.