Vier letzte Lieder = Four last songs = Quatre derniers Lieder. Frühling ; September ; Beim Schlafengehen ; Im Abendrot (21:55) -- Ein Heldenleben = A hero's life = Une vie de héros : op. 40. Das Held = The hero = Le héros ; Des helden Widersacher = The hero's adversaries = Les adversaires du héros ; Des helden Gefährtin = The hero's companion = La compagne du héros ; Des helden Walstatt = The hero's battlefield = Le champ du bataille du héros ; Des helden Friedenswerke = The hero's works of peace = Œuvres de paix du héros ; Des helden Weltflucht und Vollendung = The hero's retreat from the world and fulfilment = La fuite du monde et l'accomplissement du héros (46:22).
The 1st work is a song cycle for soprano and orchestra; the 2nd work is a symphonic poem.
Words to the 1st work by Hermann Hesse and Joseph von Eichendorff.
Language (note)
The 1st work is sung in German.
Strauss, Richard, 1864-1949, composer.
Richard Strauss.
Berlin : Deutsche Grammophon, [2014]
Copyright date
Playing time
002155 004622
Type of content
performed music
Type of medium
Type of carrier
online resource
Digital file characteristics
audio file
Anna Netrebko, soprano ; Staatskapelle Berlin ; Daniel Barenboim, conductor.
Recorded live 2014 August Philharmonie, Berlin, Germany.