Now is the month of maying -- Tarleton's jig -- This merry pleasant Spring -- My lord of Oxenford's maske -- The batchelar: how many things? -- Coral -- Why sigh'st thou, shepherd? -- My lord of marche pavan (Lauder) Galliard (Anon) -- O mistris myne -- Did not you once, Lucinda vow? -- Reade's almain -- It was a lover and his lasse -- Masque music II -- Masque music III -- Faine would I wed -- The maide: I marriage would forsweare -- A devision: barafostus' dreame -- Mother watkins' ale -- Nutmeg and ginger -- O lusty May.
Event (note)
Recorded at the Temple Church, Temple, London on 13, 15, and 16 October 1992.
New London Consort.
Elizabethan & Jacobean consort music.
[England] : Linn Records, [1993]
Copyright date
Playing time
Type of content
performed music
Type of medium
Type of carrier
online resource
Digital file characteristics
audio file
New London Consort ; Catherine Bott, soprano ; Michael George, baritone ; Philip Pickett, director.
Recorded at the Temple Church, Temple, London on 13, 15, and 16 October 1992.