Divina mancha. Title Divina mancha. Published by [London] : Contrastes Records, [2014] Details Additional authors Baranov, Anton, 1984- Tárrega, Francisco, 1852-1909. Llobet, Miguel, 1878-1938. Sainz de la Maza, Eduardo Jiménez Manjón, Antonio, 1866-1919. Moreno Torroba, Federico, 1891-1982. Description 1 online resource (1 sound file). Subject Downloadable audio file Streaming audio Variations (Guitar) Guitar music Genre/Form Streaming audio. Contents Prelude E-Dur (1:26) ; Prelude G-Dur (1:15) ; Prelude A-moll (1:53) ; Prelude D-Dur (1:11) ; Recuerdos de la Alhambra (6:11) ; Rosita "Polka" (1:37) / Francisco Tárrega -- Variaciones sobre un tema de Sor, op. 15 / Miguel Llobet (8:19) -- Platero y yo suite. Paseo (2:25) ; La azotea (2:48) ; La tortuga (2:32) ; A platero en su tierra (2:35) / Eduardo Sáinz de la Maza -- Noveletta / Antonio Jiménez Manjón (9:54) -- Aires de La Mancha / Federico Moreno Torroba (8:25). Title Divina mancha. Publisher [London] : Contrastes Records, [2014] Type of content performed music Type of medium computer Type of carrier online resource Digital file characteristics audio file Performer Anton Baranov, guitar. Event Recorded 2014 March 22-24. Connect to: Access Naxos Music Library Added author Baranov, Anton, 1984- instrumentalist. Container of (work): Tárrega, Francisco, 1852-1909. Preludes, guitar. Selections. Container of (work): Tárrega, Francisco, 1852-1909. Estudios, guitar, G major. Container of (work): Tárrega, Francisco, 1852-1909. Recuerdos de la Alhambra. Container of (work): Tárrega, Francisco, 1852-1909. Rosita. Container of (work): Llobet, Miguel, 1878-1938. Variaciones sobre un tema de Sor. Container of (work): Sainz de la Maza, Eduardo. Platero y yo. Selections. Container of (work): Jiménez Manjón, Antonio, 1866-1919. Noveletta. Container of (work): Moreno Torroba, Federico, 1891-1982. Aires de La Mancha. Publisher no. Contrastes6201406 Contrastes Records Branch call number eNYPL Music View in legacy catalogNavigation arrow Help and Feedback