The grand parade ; Some have, some have not ; As it should be -- The doctor, "Look at him-- " -- At the Grand Hotel ; Table with a view -- Maybe my baby loves me -- Fire and ice ; Twenty-two years ; Villa on a hill -- I want to go to Hollywood -- The doctor, "Sorry to report-- " -- The crooked path ; Some have, some have not ; As it should be -- Who couldn't dance with you? -- Elizaveta, "So tell me Baron-- " -- Love can't happen -- What you need -- Bonjour amour -- Happy ; We'll take a glass together -- I waltz alone -- The doctor, "No creature on this planet-- " -- Roses at the station -- The doctor, "Two sworn enemies-- " -- Bolero -- How can I tell her? -- Final scene -- The grand waltz -- Bonus track: Love can't happen.
Book by Luther Davis, based on: Grand Hotel / Vicki Baum.
Orchestrations by Peter Matz ; additional music by Wally Harper.
Event (note)
Recorded Apr. 2, 1992, in BMG Studio A.
Wright, Robert, 1914-2005.
Grand Hotel, the musical : the Broadway cast recording / [songs by Robert Wright and George Forrest ; additional music and lyrics by Maury Yeston].
[New York, N.Y.] : RCA Victor, [1992]
Copyright date
Playing time
Type of content
performed music
Type of medium
Type of carrier
online resource
John Wylie (Colonel Doctor Otternschlag) ; Jane Krakowski (Flaemmchen, the Typist) ; Michael Jeter (Otto Kringelein, the Bookkeeper) ; Brent Barrett (Felix von Gaigern, the Baron) ; Karen Akers (Raffaela, the Confidante) ; Liliane Montevecchi (Elizaveta Grushinskaya, the Ballerina) ; with supporting cast and orchestra ; Jack Lee, musical and vocal direction.