Last round : for double string quartet and double bass (14:00) -- Lullaby and Doina : for flute, clarinet, double bass and string quartet (7:00) -- Yiddishbbuk : inscriptions for string quartet (14:00) -- The dreams and prayers of Isaac the Blind : for klezmer clarinet and string quartet (36:00).
EMI Classics: CDC 7243 5 57356 2 1 (on container: 7243 5 57356 2 1; in bold: 5 57356 2).
The 1st work written in 1991 on hearing news of Astor Piazzolla's stroke; the 2nd work is a set of variations on a Yiddish lullaby composed for the film The man who cried; the 3rd work is based on a collection of apocryphal psalms; the 4th work is based on a manuscript by Isaac the Blind; the last movement is an instrumental version of the composer's K'vakarat.
Credits (note)
Producer, Max Wilcox.
Event (note)
Recorded Nov. 27-29, 2001 and Feb. 21, 2002, at the American Academy of Arts & Letters, New York.