I begynnelsen = In the beginning / Jonas Forssell ( 26:05) -- Redan morgon! = Already morning! / Carin Bartosch Edström (7:19) -- Wrong music 2 - Embryo for solo clarinet and live electronics / Fredrik Söderberg (6:48) -- En fauns lunchrast = Lunch-break of a Faun / Viking Dahl (0:54) -- Amicizia / Ingvar Lidholm (7:11) -- Musica da camera VII per clarinetto ed archi / Hans Eklund (12:43) -- there is a bluer sky, a wall with roses / Sven-David Sandström (7:56)-- There will never be another you : Improvisation to P.W. (2:36).
Event (note)
Recorded in the Helsingborg Concert Hall, Helsingborg on February 14-17, 2006 (1-3, 11-13 and 15) in Studio 2, Radiohuset, Stockholm on April 13-14, 2005 (4-5), on October 17, 2005 (6-10, 14).
Recorded in the Helsingborg Concert Hall, Helsingborg on February 14-17, 2006 (1-3, 11-13 and 15) in Studio 2, Radiohuset, Stockholm on April 13-14, 2005 (4-5), on October 17, 2005 (6-10, 14).