Fyra lyriska dikter : op. 2, for solosoprano a cappella (2:48) -- Som smultron i livliga flockar, du fägring-- : op. 24, for soprano and organ (9:37) -- zona rosa : op. 32, for string quartet (5:26) -- Canti di luce e di stelle : op. 45, for soprano and piano. Il mattino (1:44) ; É piu bello quando scende la sera (3:15) ; Io sono la stella (1:37) ; Ho camminato sotto le stelle (3:28) ; Sotto le stelle (3:02) -- les adieux : op. 60, for string quartet (6:54) -- --in the earth : op. 74, for mezzosoprano and piano. Toward the sunset (3:57) ; The first blue haze of evening (3:49) ; When they had reached the summit (2:08) ; The sense of utter desolation (2:06) ; Where Per Hansa was (2:23) ; Fillmore County in Minnesota (1:32) ; Go west, folks! (1:18) -- Fem dikter om havet och sommaren : op. 76, for soprano and piano. Ute på havet (1:16) ; Dikt (2:20) ; Sommarnatt på Bottniska havet (3:04) ; Kyrkogården (1:09) ; Höstdikt (1:39)
Event (note)
Recorded Oct. 9, 1991 in studio 3, Swedish Radio, Stockholm.
Language (note)
Vocal works sung in Swedish (op. 2, op. 24, op. 76), Italian (op. 45), or English (op. 74).
Source of description (note)
Description based on hard copy version record.
Hemberg, Eskil.
Songs and chamber music [electronic resource] / Eskil Hemberg.
Stockholm : Caprice, p2000.
Variously: Solveig Faringer, soprano ; Ellen Andreassen, mezzo-soprano ; Erik Lundkvist, organ ; Nanette Nowels-Stenholm (op. 45 and 76), Gustav Asplund (op. 74), piano ; Vilna String Quartet.
Recorded Oct. 9, 1991 in studio 3, Swedish Radio, Stockholm.
Vocal works sung in Swedish (op. 2, op. 24, op. 76), Italian (op. 45), or English (op. 74).