Bill Moran show. Title Bill Moran show. Bill Moran interviews Alan Gold and Devra Z. Hill. Published by [2000]. Details Additional authors Gold, Alan Hill, Devra Z. Moran, Bill Found in Leida Snow collection of audio interviews and reports on theater, culture and arts. Description 1 streaming audio file (approximately 32 minutes) : digital, stereo. Summary The program includes an interview with Alan Gold, the surgeon of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, who talks about the importance of plastic surgeries for the baby boomer generation, and various treatments that aesthetic surgery can provide to help them to reduce the visible signs of aging, and look as young as they feel. Also includes a brief interview with Devra Z. Hill, who discusses her book "Rejuvenate." Alternative title Bill Moran interviews Alan Gold and Devra Z. Hill Leida Snow collection of audio interviews and reports on theater, culture and arts. Subject Radio interviews Radio programs Baby boom generation Authors > Interviews Surgery, Plastic Plastic surgeons > United States > Interviews Rejuvenation Beauty, Personal Health Hill, Devra Z > Rejuvenate Hill, Devra Z > Interviews Gold, Alan > Interviews Genre/Form Radio programs. Radio interviews. Call number *LTC-A 1907 Note Title provided by cataloger. Streaming files transferred from original audiocassette. Access (note) Access to original item restricted. Patrons can access streaming audio only at the Library for Performing Arts Research Center. Additional formats (note) Archival original: (1 audiocassette : analog, stereo) in *LTC-A 1907. Source (note) Leida Snow Linking entry (note) Forms part of: Leida Snow collection of audio interviews and reports on theater, culture and arts, *L(Special) 09-02. Title Bill Moran show. Bill Moran interviews Alan Gold and Devra Z. Hill. Production [2000]. Type of content spoken word Type of medium audio computer Type of carrier online resource Performer Bill Moran, interviewer and host ; Alan Gold, Devra Z. Hill, interviewees. Event Broadcast on Bill Moran show on radio BNN [Business News Network] [2000 March 19] Hollywood, Los Angeles, Calif. Access Access to original item restricted. Patrons can access streaming audio only at the Library for Performing Arts Research Center. Additional formats Archival original: (1 audiocassette : analog, stereo) in *LTC-A 1907. Linking entry Forms part of: Leida Snow collection of audio interviews and reports on theater, culture and arts, *L(Special) 09-02. Source Gift; Leida Snow, 2009. Connect to: NYPL Digital Collections Added author Gold, Alan, interviewee. Hill, Devra Z., interviewee. Moran, Bill, interviewer. Moran, Bill, host. Snow, Leida, donor. Added title Leida Snow collection of audio interviews and reports on theater, culture and arts. Found in: Leida Snow collection of audio interviews and reports on theater, culture and arts. Research call number *LTC-A 1907 View in legacy catalogNavigation arrow Help and Feedback