Announcement ; Nocturne op. 9, no. 2 / Chopin (Tanaka) ; Commentary and announcements ; Caprices no. 9 and 20 / Paganini (Kandinskai︠a︡ ) ; Announcements and commentaries on the process of the competition's selection by judges / Goldsmith and Inaba ; I palpiti / Paganini (Milenkovich, Back) ; Announcements ; Sonata no. 6 in A major (Beginning) / Beethoven (Sharp) -- Part 2. Sonata no. 6 in A major (Conclusion) / Beethoven (Sharp, Pontremovich) ; Announcements and commentaries on front-runners / Goldsmith and Inaba ; Polonaise brillante no. 2 / Wieniawski (Kamiya, Eguchi) ; Announcement ; Sonata no. 2 (last 3 min. cut off) / Prokofiev (Chan, Eguchi).
Call number
*LTC-A 1626
Title, date and credits from audition.
Streaming files transferred from original audiocassette.
Access (note)
Access to original items restricted. Patrons can access streaming audio only on site at the NYPL Research Libraries.
Source (note)
Margaret Carson
Linking entry (note)
Forms part of: Margaret Carson audio-visual materials, *L(Special) 92-23.
Performance Today, 1994-09.
Country of producing entity
United States.
Playing time
004708 004709
Type of content
performed music
spoken word
Type of medium
Type of carrier
online resource
Martin Goldsmith, host ; Jean Inaba, commentator ; Akiko Tanaka, Anna Kandinskai︠a︡ , Stefan Milenkovich, Robin Sharp, Michiko Kamiya, David Chan (participants of the International Violin Competition of Indianapolis), violin ; Gordon Back, Anita Pontremovich (?), Akira Eguchi, piano.
Broadcast on NPR radio Washington (D.C.) 1994 September 16-23.
Access to original items restricted. Patrons can access streaming audio only on site at the NYPL Research Libraries.
Linking entry
Forms part of: Margaret Carson audio-visual materials, *L(Special) 92-23.