The program, hosted by J. Parrott, covers major domestic and world-wide political and economic events presented and discussed by various correspondents and commentators. David Anable reports news on the national scene that deals with the budget deficit and US trade deficit among some others topics, and Paul Van Slambrouck delivers news on the international scene that includes commentary on the African president P.W. Botha, political situation in South Africa and in the Middle East. Louis Wiznitzer who interviewed Brazilian president Sarney, successor to the late president Tancredo Neves, about his plans and programs, delivers his report on the political and economic situation in Brazil, and Janet Domowitz, who interviewed two Favela (Brazilian slums) residents about their life there, describes the conditions and accommodations of the dwellings as well as their inhabitants. Artist Robert Motherwell, a receiver of a lifetime contribution to the arts award from MacDowell Colony, speaks about modern art in America and his style and views. The program contains a commentary by an unidentified meteorologist Bob Cohen on the complexities of weather forecasting, and Catherine Bruder and Jeffrey McCrehan deliberate on the burden of rising costs of higher education. Dr. Mortimer Adler reflects on the importance of philosophy for the layman, the future of humanity, and the good and bad points of the 20th century. Some more current news follows before the program concludes with the narration of a short story "A place in the silence" written by Timothy Aeppel and read by Gail Freeman.
Title created by cataloger; date from the label on the original cassette; credits from audition.
Streaming files transferred from original audiocassette.
Access (note)
Access to original items restricted. Patrons can access streaming audio only on site at the NYPL Research Libraries.
Source (note)
Margaret Carson
Linking entry (note)
Forms part of: Margaret Carson audio-visual materials, *L(Special) 92-23.
News on Monitoradio : a broadcast service of The Christian Science Monitor, 1985-08-16.
Country of producing entity
United States.
Playing time
002952 002840
Type of content
spoken word
Type of medium
Type of carrier
online resource
John Parrott, host ; David Anable, Paul Van Slambrouck, Janet Domowitz, Louis Wiznitzer, Robert Motherwell, Catherine Bruder, Jeffrey McCrehan, Mortimer Adler, commentators ; Gail Freeman, narrator.
Broadcast on Monitoradio in Boston 1986 August 16.
Access to original items restricted. Patrons can access streaming audio only on site at the NYPL Research Libraries.
Linking entry
Forms part of: Margaret Carson audio-visual materials, *L(Special) 92-23.