CBS Saturday Morning : featuring Ballroom Title CBS Saturday Morning : featuring Ballroom, 2000-02-20. Published by New York : CBS, 2000. Details Additional authors Renha, Rita Weinstein, Ellen Vasquez, Ray Lopez, Joanel Glinski, Lina National Dance Institute (U.S.), dancer. Description 1 streaming video file (11 min) : sound, color. Summary Segment covering National Dance Institute's work with students at the St. Francis de Salle School for the Deaf. Comments from NDI instructor Rita Renha, Artistic Director Ellen Weinstein, and St. Francis students about the program and techniques for teaching dance to hearing-impaired students. NDI students, including Ray Vasquez, Joanel Lopez, and Lina Glinski, perform the piece Ballroom in-studio and then talk with the program anchor post-performance about their experiences with NDI. Uniform title Ballroom (Choreographic work) CBS Saturday morning (Televison program) Alternative title National Dance Institute Moving Image Archive. Subject Television news programs Filmed performances Filmed dance Video Music Deaf dancers Dance for children Dance in education Dance > Study and teaching National Dance Institute (U.S.) Genre/Form Dance. Music. Video. Filmed dance. Filmed performances. Television news programs. Call number *MGZIDF 4155 Note notes Access (note) Patrons can access streaming video online only on site at the Library for the Performing Arts. System details (note) Streaming video. Source (note) Jacques D'Amboise Title CBS Saturday Morning : featuring Ballroom, 2000-02-20. Imprint New York : CBS, 2000. Country of producing entity United States. Type of content two-dimensional moving image Type of medium video computer Type of carrier online resource Event Recorded Date of capture. Place of capture. System details Streaming video. Original version Original format: 1 videocassette (VHS) ; 1/2 in. Restricted access Patrons can access streaming video online only on site at the Library for the Performing Arts. Source Gift; Jacques D'Amboise, 2012. Connect to: NYPL Digital Collections Added author Renha, Rita, interviewee. Weinstein, Ellen, interviewee. Vasquez, Ray, dancer. Vasquez, Ray, interviewee. Lopez, Joanel, dancer. Lopez, Joanel, interviewee. Glinski, Lina, dancer. Glinski, Lina, interviewee. National Dance Institute (U.S.), dancer. D'Amboise, Jacques, 1934-2021, donor. Added title Container of (work) Ballroom (Choreographic work) CBS Saturday morning (Televison program) National Dance Institute Moving Image Archive. Research call number *MGZIDF 4155 View in legacy catalogNavigation arrow Help and Feedback