Why Dance...Because! -- Free Rides of the Planet -- The Big Box -- This is Just to Say -- Iceland -- Freedom -- Stars and Stripes -- God Bless America.
Call number
*MGZIDF 4034
Title from original videocassette label and opening video credits ; additional credits taken from Dance Division's program file: *MGZB National Dance Institute.
Access (note)
Patrons can access streaming video online only at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Credits (note)
Founder, Jacques D'Amboise.
Celebrating the Literary Works of E.L. Doctorow, Barbara Goldsmith, Langston Hughes, Toni Morrison, Kurt Vonnegut and William Carlos Williams ; music by David Amram, Irving Berlin, Martin Charnin, Judy Collins, Emerson Harper, Jerome Korman, Steven Kramer, Ray Loewy and John Philip Sousa ; choreography by Jacques d'Amboise, Lori Klinger, Amy Lehman, Michael Owens, Jenny Seham and Ellen Weinstein ; musical director by Neal Kirkwood ; scenery designed by April Gornick, Red Grooms, Keith Haring, teachers and children.
Source (note)
Jacques D'Amboise ;
Dancing Up A Story : A Celebration of Music, Dance and Literature, 1998 / directed by Ellen Weinstein ; presented by National Dance Institute.
Country of producing entity
Type of content
two-dimensional moving image
Type of medium
Type of carrier
online resource
Patrons can access streaming video online only at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Founder, Jacques D'Amboise.
Celebrating the Literary Works of E.L. Doctorow, Barbara Goldsmith, Langston Hughes, Toni Morrison, Kurt Vonnegut and William Carlos Williams ; music by David Amram, Irving Berlin, Martin Charnin, Judy Collins, Emerson Harper, Jerome Korman, Steven Kramer, Ray Loewy and John Philip Sousa ; choreography by Jacques d'Amboise, Lori Klinger, Amy Lehman, Michael Owens, Jenny Seham and Ellen Weinstein ; musical director by Neal Kirkwood ; scenery designed by April Gornick, Red Grooms, Keith Haring, teachers and children.
Videotaped during NDI performance at Bass Concert Hall, Austin, Texas, 1998.