1 streaming video file (33 min) : sound, black & white
This Event includes material from Signals, Changing steps, Sounddance, Westbeth and TV rerun.
Alternative title
Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection. Moving image materials.
Filmed dance.
Filmed performances.
Signals stick trio (in progress): MC, EC, CM -- Signals septet (partial): MC, EC, CM, CK, SHC, MH / Changing steps floor duet (in part): BM, KA -- Signals septet (last section of eights through to end) -- Changing steps leg duet (in progress): CM, SHC / Changing steps pull out (in progress): RK, CAK -- MC solo -- Changing steps quartet (partial): CAK, RK, MH, CK -- Sounddance (middle section quartet): EC, CM, BM, RK / Sounddance (slow septet): SHC, MH / Sounddance (cut to seaweed quartet): BM, EC, JRS, CAK -- MC solo -- Westbeth (solo): MH / Westbeth (duet): MH, CM / Westbeth (end of duet): CK, KA / Four couples exit -- TV rerun: Entire Company (Contents taken from handwritten note enclosed in original container.)
Call number
*MGZIDF 1939
Title, statement of responsibility and credits taken from house program available in *MGZMD 196.
Title on original container: "Williams College Event #2."
Time code visible in bottom right of picture.
Access (note)
Patrons can access streaming video file online only on site at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Credits (note)
Musical accompaniment by John Cage, David Tudor and David Behrman.
System details (note)
Streaming video.
Source (note)
Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation
Linking entry (note)
Forms part of the Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection.
Event no. 123, 1975-03-05 / choreography by Merce Cunningham.
Country of producing entity
United States.
Type of content
two-dimensional moving image
Type of medium
Type of carrier
online resource
Performed by members of Merce Cunningham Dance Company: Karen Attix, Ellen Cornfield, Merce Cunningham, Meg Harper, Susana Hayman-Chaffey, Cathy Kerr, Chris Komar, Robert Kovich, Brynar Mehl, Charlie Moulton and Julie Roess-Smith.
Musical accompaniment by John Cage, David Tudor and David Behrman.
Recorded 1975 March 5 Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts.
System details
Streaming video.
Original version
Original format: 1 open reel videotape ; 1/2 in.
Restricted access
Patrons can access streaming video file online only on site at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Linking entry
Forms part of the Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection.