A year's residence in the United States of America treating of the face of the country, the climate, the soil, the products, the mode of cultivating the land, the prices of land, of labour, of food, of raiment : of the expenses of housekeeping and of the usual manner of living: of the manners and customs of the people : and of the institutions of the country, civil, political and religious : in three parts
A year's residence in the United States of America [electronic resource] : treating of the face of the country, the climate, the soil, the products, the mode of cultivating the land, the prices of land, of labour, of food, of raiment : of the expenses of housekeeping and of the usual manner of living: of the manners and customs of the people : and of the institutions of the country, civil, political and religious : in three parts / by William Cobbett.
Published by
London : Printed for Sherwood, Neely and Jones, 1819
pt. 1. A description of the face of the country, the climate, the seasons, and the soil. An account of the author's agricultural experiments in the cultivation of the ruta baga, or Russia, or Swedish turnip -- Pt. 2. Experiments as to cabbages. Earth-burning. Transplanting Indian corn. Swedish turnips. Potatoes. Cows, sheep, hogs, and poultry. Prices of land, labour, working cattle, husbandry implements. Expenses of housekeeping. Manners, customs and character of the people. Rural sports. Paupers and beggars. Government, laws and religion -- Pt. 3. Mr. Hulme's Journal, made during a tour in the western countries of America, in which tour he visited Mr. Birkbeck's settlement. Mr. Cobbett's letters to Mr. Birkbeck ... contained in his two publications, entitled "Notes on a journey in America" and "Letters from Illinois." Postscript. Second postscript.
Continuous pagination.
Reissue of the New York edition of 1818, pt. 1 of which had been issued separately the same year.
Includes index.
"An account of the author's agricultural experiments in the cultivation of the ruta baga, or Russia, or Swedish turnip ..." pt. 1, chap. 2.
Reproduction of the original from the Library of Congress.
Cobbett, William, 1763-1835.
A year's residence in the United States of America [electronic resource] : treating of the face of the country, the climate, the soil, the products, the mode of cultivating the land, the prices of land, of labour, of food, of raiment : of the expenses of housekeeping and of the usual manner of living: of the manners and customs of the people : and of the institutions of the country, civil, political and religious : in three parts / by William Cobbett.
London : Printed for Sherwood, Neely and Jones, 1819 (London : John M'Creery, Printer)
2nd ed.
Slavery and anti-slavery: a transnational archive. Part 3: The institution of slavery
Slavery and anti-slavery: a transnational archive. Part 3: The institution of slavery.