Janis Brenner discusses her Memory Project, how the work started at UCLA in 1994; how it incorporates improvisation and voice work; using performers ranging in age from 9-70; the piece being commissioned for a performance at the Whitney Museum, New York, N.Y. in 1999; the audition process and how it is different than a typical dance audition; how Ms. Brenner works differently for this project by incorporating community members along with dancers; dividing the work between dancers and non-dancers; how every section has an element of improvisation and how the choreography could be modified to use only community members with no trained dancers; her response to the article about works like the Memory Project making it impossible for criticism; the difference between performing a site-specific performance at the Whitney Museum for a non-dance audience compared to a proscenium stage performance for a dance audience and how the results are determined by context and place; and seeing herself still performing the Memory Project ten years from now.