1 digital video file (ca. 87 min.): digital, stereo., H.264 file.
Mi Tshering represents the oldest man in the world . He explains the meaning of the apparition of Guru Tshengye to the crowd - and then - as the crowd receive blessings from Guru Tshengye - the various manifestations dance before them - then the procession leads the deities away again. Three Processions around the arena with Six masked Dancers in the centre. This dance shows the eight different forms that Guru Rinpoche assumed in order to bring all different beings into the Buddhist fold: 1. Guru Tshokye Dorji (Diamond Thunderbolt Born from the lake). 2. Guru Shakya Senge (The Lion of the Shakya Clan). 3. Guru Loden Chogsey (Guru who aspires from the supreme knowledge). 4. Guru Padmasasbhava (Lotus Born). 5. Guru Pema Gyalpo (Lotus-King) 6. Guru Nima Yeozer (Sunbeam) 7. Guru Senge Dradok (The one who speaks with a lion voice). 8. Guru Dorji Dragpo (Terrifying Thunderbolt) and Guru Dorji Drolo (Thunderbolt). The fairy standing on the right of the Guru is Mandarava, the lady of wisdom. Ugyen Rinpoche made her his own emanation for the benefit of the beings to be converted in the Kingdom of Zahor. The fairy to his left is Yeshey Tshogyel one of his wives. She is a representation of the Goddess of knowledge, mother of all the Buddhas. She helped to establish Buddhism in Tibet. The sixteen fairies (Rigma Chudrug) are emanations of the same person. They are Goddesses of offerings. The Guru Tshen Gye dance is said to bring total happiness to people. A changeless faith in the glorious deeds of Ugyen Rinpoche s mind, speech and body is born to them.
Uniform title
Bhutan Dance Project, Core of Culture.
Alternative title
Eight Mainifestations of Guru Rinpoche. Nyimalung Trenda: Final Day of Festival [Wide shot]
Nyimalung Trenda, Day Three: June 17, 2005 (Chamjug Rehearsal Day). Thongdrol Jyekha (Guru Rimpoche) (7:00 am) -- Sachak Zhanag Serkemn Cham (9:00 am) -- Geg-Toe Mecham Fire Dance (9:30 am) -- Folk Dance (9:45 am) -- Tsham-Choe Tho-Zam (10:00 am) -- Folk Dance (11:40 am) -- LUNCH BREAK (12 pm) -- Guru Tshengye (with Mi Tshering, the oldest man in the world believed to be 2,533 years old) (1:00 pm) -- Dramitse Nga Cham (3:00 pm).
Access (note)
Event (note)
Videotaped in performance at the Nyimalung Dratsang, in Bumthang, Bhutan (upper balcony looking along right diagonal of arena), on June 17, 2005.
Source (note)
Core of Culture.
Biography (note)
Nyimalung Trenda is held for three days on the 8th to the 10th day of the 5th Bhutanese month. The final blessing day coincides with the anniversary of the Birth of Guru Rinpoche. A Chamjug or rehearsal day is held on the 7th day of the Lunar month.
Guru Tshengye. Nyimalung Trenda: Final Day of Festival [Wide shot] [electronic resource].
Country of producing entity
Bhutan Dance Project, Core of Culture.
Videotaped in performance at the Nyimalung Dratsang, in Bumthang, Bhutan (upper balcony looking along right diagonal of arena), on June 17, 2005.
Nyimalung Trenda is held for three days on the 8th to the 10th day of the 5th Bhutanese month. The final blessing day coincides with the anniversary of the Birth of Guru Rinpoche. A Chamjug or rehearsal day is held on the 7th day of the Lunar month.