Raw performance and interview footage with Meredith Monk as well as B-roll of the Stimmenfestival (buildings, crowds, venue lobbies, etc) for use in television programs about Monk and the festival. Monk performances include Wa-lie-oh, Jew's harp, and Insect (Songs from the hill), Click song no. 1 (Light songs), selections from Mercy (with Theo Bleckmann, Katie Gessinger, and Ching Gonzalez), Travelling and the Tale (Education of the girlchild), Madwoman's vision (Book of Days), Choosing Companions (Atlas), and excerpt of Facing North (with Bleckmann). Performance footage is on first two discs. Disc 3 has rehearsal footage with Monk, Bleckmann, Geissinger, and Gonzalez. Interview material is on Discs 2 and 4, with footage of a roundtable with artists including Monk and Erica Stucky.