Liz Thompson, director of Jacob's Pillow, introduces the program, which includes Carousal, commissioned by Jacob's Pillow.
Series statement
Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection
Septet / music by Erik Satie; performed by Chris Komar, Dennis O'Connor, Karen Radford, Kristy Santimyer, Robert Swinston, Carol Teitelbaum (16 min.) -- Fabrications / music by Emmanuel de Melo Pimenta; performed by Helen Barrow, Merce Cunningham, Victoria Finlayson, Alan Good, Catherine Kerr, Chris Komar, David Kulick, Patricia Lent, Larissa McGoldrick, Dennis O'Connor, Karen Radford, Rob Remley, Kristy Santimyer, Robert Swinston, Carol Teitelbaum (32 min.) -- Carousal / music by Takehisa Kosugi; performed by Helen Barrow, Victoria Finlayson, Alan Good, Catherine Kerr, Chris Komar, David Kulick, Patricia Lent, Larissa McGoldrick, Dennis O'Connor, Karen Radford, Rob Remley, Kristy Santimyer, Robert Swinston (16 min.)
Call number
*MGZIDF 3145
Last 5 minutes of video are blank.
Access (note)
Patrons can access streaming video file only at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Event (note)
Videotaped in performance in the Ted Shawn Theater, Jacob's Pillow, Becket, Mass., on Aug. 19, 1987.
Linking entry (note)
Forms part of the Merce Cunningham archive.
Septet, Fabrications [and] Carousal. Aug. 19, 1987 [electronic resource] / [presented by] the Merce Cunningham Dance Company ; choreography by Merce Cunningham.
Country of producing entity
Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection
Performed by members of the Merce Cunningham Dance Company: Helen Barrow, Merce Cunningham, Victoria Finlayson, Alan Good, Catherine Kerr, Chris Komar, David Kulick, Patricia Lent, Larissa McGoldrick, Dennis O'Connor, Karen Radford, Rob Remley, Kristy Santimyer, Robert Swinston, Carol Teitelbaum.
Videotaped in performance in the Ted Shawn Theater, Jacob's Pillow, Becket, Mass., on Aug. 19, 1987.
Linking entry
Forms part of the Merce Cunningham archive.
Patrons can access streaming video file only at the Library for the Performing Arts.