Compilation of two films originally made in Russia and commercially released, along with other recordings, under the title The glory of the Kirov (c1995) ; see *MGZIA 4-3857.
Le corsaire. Pas de deux (1958 ; ca. 5 min.) / choreography, Marius Petipa ; music, Riccardo Drigo ; danced by Alla Sizova and Rudolf Nureyev. Recorded onstage at the Moscow Ballet Competition, with voiceover in Russian. Lacks coda.
Laurencia. Pas de six (1959 ; ca. 3 min.) / choreography, Vakhtang Chabukiani ; music, Aleksandr Krein ; danced by Ninel Kurgapkina, Rudolf Nureyev and others. Voiceover in Russian.
Call number
*MGZIDF 6206
Access (note)
Patrons can access streaming video file only at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Language (note)
Credits in English ; voiceovers in Russian.
[Rudolf Nureyev] [electronic resource]
Rudolf Nureyev Collection.
Restricted access
Patrons can access streaming video file only at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Danced by Rudolf Nureyev and other members of the Kirov Ballet.