1 streaming video file (20 min., 52 sec.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in.
Part of the documentation of the week-long tap dancing workshop By word of foot I, presented by the Changing Times Tap Dancing Company on October 13-18, 1980. In a special ceremony, the American Guild of Variety Artists presents its Lifetime Achievement Award to John Bubbles. This tape contains speeches by Charles "Cookie" Cook, Jane Goldberg, and Honi Coles ; a dance duet by Cook and Goldberg ; the presentation of the award by Alan Jay Nelson, president of the American Guild of Variety Artists ; and the beginning of Bubbles's acceptance speech. The ceremony continues on *MGZIC 9-5741 and *MGZIC 9-5740.
Gift of Jane Goldberg.
Series statement
Jane Goldberg's Wandering shoes tap(h)istory featuring tip top tapes, tapalogues, tapology and tapperabilia.