Report of Bureau of Prevention of Stream Pollution under the supervision of Russell Suter, senior assistant engineer.
Report of Bureau of Prevention of Stream Pollution under the supervision of Russell Suter, senior assistant engineer. Problems in oyster culture by William Firth Wells, biologist and sanitarian. Diseases of fish in state hatcheries by Emmeline Moore, investigator in fish culture...
At head of title: State of New York. Conservation Commission.
Repr.: New York State. Conservation Commission. Annual report. 1922. v. 12.
Bibliography (note)
Bibliography, p. 28.
New York (State). Bureau of Prevention of Stream Pollution.
Report of Bureau of Prevention of Stream Pollution under the supervision of Russell Suter, senior assistant engineer. Problems in oyster culture by William Firth Wells, biologist and sanitarian. Diseases of fish in state hatcheries by Emmeline Moore, investigator in fish culture...