118 prints : etching, engraving, lithograph, wood engraving, some col.; 35.2 x 52.2 cm. or smaller.
Portraits of people and pictures of places and events associated with New York City during the Civil War and immediately afterwards, compiled as extra-illustration for The history of New York, v. 7, by Mary Louise Booth. Includes scenes from the draft riots, the Metropolitan Sanitary Fair, the Brooklyn Sanitary Fair and the laying of the Atlantic Cable. Other subjects include blacks, fires, fire engines, fire fighters, fireworks, horse-drawn omnibuses, hospitals, lotteries, lynchings & orphanages.
EM11700. Hon. Schuyler Colfax / J.C. Buttre -- EM11701. [Charles King] -- EM11702. The late George P. Putnam -- EM11703. C.A. Bristed / Capewell & Kimmel -- EM11704. Hon. Salmon P. Chase / H.B. Hall -- EM11705. View of the N.Y. State Soldier's Depot, 50 & 52 Howard St. / Major & Knapp; Soldier's Depot, Hospital (4th floor) / Major & Knapp -- EM11705. Soldier's Depot, receiving room (1st floor) / Major & Knapp; Soldier's Depot, wash & bath room (basement) / Major & Knapp; Soldier's Depot, dining room (1st floor) / Major & Knapp -- EM11706. R.E. Lee / H.W. Smith -- EM11707. Horatio Seymour / J.C. Buttre -- EM11710. John Decker, chief engineer of the New York Fire Department -- EM11711. The late John A. Kennedy, ex-superintendent of Police -- EM11712. Destruction of Provost Marshal's Office 3d Av. -- EM11713. [Genl. Wool] -- EM11714. The Armory, corner of Seventh Avenue and Thirty-fifth Street -- EM11715. Provost Guard attacking the rioters -- EM11716. New York State Arsenal / G. Hayward; Interior of the State Arsenal 57th St. occupied by the 7th N.Y.V. (Steuben Regt.) 1861 / Sarony, Major & Knapp -- EM11717. In Lexington Avenue; The riot in New York - The clothing store of Messrs. Brooks Bros., Catharine Street, pillaged by the mob; Women pillaging -- EM11718. [Mrs. James M. White] -- EM11719. Colored Orphan Asylum / Sarony & Major -- EM11720. The riots in New York: destruction of the Colored Orphan Asylum -- EM11721. J.B. Wakeman / F. D'Avignon.
EM11722. Burning of the 2d. Av. Armory; Attack on Tribune Office -- EM11723. Metropolitan Police Head Quarters, Mulberry Street, near Bleecker St. / A. Brown & Co. -- EM11725. B.B Carpenter / H.B. Hall & Sons -- EM11726. Schirmer's Battery and a company of the 11th N.Y.V. scattering the rioters at the corner of 7th Avenue and 29th Street; Battle in Second Avenue and Twenty-Second Street, at the Union Steam Works, July 14; The fight on Tuesday at 2d. Ave. -- EM11727. The City Hall, New York -- EM11729. Brutal murder of Col. H.F. O'Brien, near his residence, July 14 -- EM11732. Burning of the grain elevator, Atlantic Dock, Brooklyn, July 15; Destruction of the Weehawken ferry-house, Forty-Second Street, by the rioters, July 15 -- EM11733. A scene at the Atlantic Docks Brooklyn / Richardson -- EM11734. Hanging a negro in Clarkson St.; Scene in Thirty-second Street between Sixth and Seventh Avenues; Negro hanged by the mob and houses burned, July 15 -- EM11735. Brig. Gen. Judson Kilpatrick / J.C. Buttre -- EM11737. The Most Rev. John Hughes Archbishop of New York / T. Doney -- EM11737. The draft - scenes in New York, August 19, during drafting in the Sixth District -- EM11738. [First Minor League Club] / Gelt & Jackson -- EM11739. Charles King, LL.D. ninth presdient of Columbia College 1849 to 1864 -- EM11740. C. Godfrey Gunther / Buttre -- EM11742. The Metropolitan Sanitary Fair -- EM11743. Brooklyn Sanitary Fair, 1864 / A. Brown & Co. -- EM11744. The Sanitary Fair, Brooklyn.
EM11745. Rear Admiral D.G. Farragut, U.S.N. / A.H. Ritchie -- EM11746. Maj. Gen. Phillip Sheridan / A.H. Ritchie -- EM11747. Maj. Gen. Wm. T. Sherman / A.H. Ritchie -- EM11748. Maj.-Gen. Benj. F. Butler / J.C. Buttre -- EM11749. Holt's Hotel, New York; St. Nicholas Hotel; Southern Hotel; LaFarge Hotel -- EM11750. Astor House, Broadway, New York -- EM11751. The Fifth Avenue Hotel, situated on Madison Square and Twenty-third Street, New York -- EM11752. Coldwin Smith, Regius Professor of Modern History in the University of Oxford / Geo. E. Perine -- EM11753. Richard Cobden / Cattier -- EM11754. John Bright -- EM11755. M. Edouard Laboulaye -- EM11756. John Stuart Mill, M.P. -- EM11761. Hon. Fernando Wood Representative from New York / G.E. Perine -- EMa11762. Lord Lyons, the British Minister to Washington -- EM11764. Union League Club-House, New York -- EM11766. Cyrus W. Field / John A. O'Neill -- EM11767. Geo. G. Meade -- EM11768. Presentation of colors to the 20th U.S. Colored Infantry, Col. Bartram at the Union League Club House, N.Y., March 5 -- EM11770. Mrs. P. Van Rensselaer / H.B. Hall -- EM11771. H.T. Tuckerman / Capewell & Kimmel -- EM11772. Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock / A.H. Ritchie -- EM11773. Wm. E. Dodge / A.H. Ritchie -- EM11774. Andrew Johnson President of the United States / H.W. Smith -- EM11775. Lieut. Genl. U.S. Grant / A.H. Ritchie -- EM11776. Com. S.F. Dupont U.S.N. -- EM11777. Com. John Rodgers / A.H. Ritchie.
EM11778. Hon. William Pitt Fessenden, secretary of the Treasury / J.C. Buttre -- EM11779. Hon. John Sherman Senator from Ohio / G.E. Perine -- EM11780. The late Robert B. Minturn / from a photograph by Brady -- EM11781. The late Captain Charles H. Marshall -- EM11782. The late Jonathan Sturges, a celebrated merchant and citizen of New York -- EM11783. Hon. John Jay, minister to Austria -- EM11784. Alexander T. Stewart -- EM11785. The martyr of liberty -- EM11786. Death bed of Abraham Lincoln died April 15th 1865 -- EM11789. S.B. Chittenden / H.B. Hall & sons -- EM11790. Maj.-Gen. James A. Garfield / J.C. Buttre -- EM11791. Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson / J.P. Davis -- EM11792. [Judge Pierrepont] -- EM11793. Hamilton Fish / A.H. Ritchie -- EM11796. A.E. Burnside / G. Stodart -- EM11797. George Bancroft / R.S. Bross -- EM11798. William Cullen Bryant -- EM11799. Our volunteer fire department, a series of illustrations representing the various steam fire-engines now used in New York -- EM11800. The newly-appointed commissioners of the paid fire department of New York City -- EM11801. Academy of Design -- EM11802. Phineas T. Barnum, the world-known proprietor of the American Museum, New York -- EM11803. The great conflagration in New York City, July 13 - total destruction of Barnum's Museum with its millions of rare and wonderful curiosities -- EM11805. View corner of Ann St. & Broadway (former site of Barnum's Museum) / W.C. Rogers & Co. -- EM11806. Hon. Preston King.
EM11807. Henry A. Smythe, Esq. -- EM11809. John T. Hoffman / J.C. Buttre -- EM11811. Moses Taylor / W.G. Jackman -- EM11812. Prof. Samuel F.B. Morse / John Sartain -- EM11813. Trinity Bay and Heart's Content, Newfoundland, the locality where the western end of the Atlantic Cable was to have been laid -- EM11814. Cyrus W. Field / J.C. Buttre -- EM11815. The Niagara, Valorous, Gorgon & Agamemnon laying the cable at mid-ocean; The landing of the shore end at Trinity Bay Aug. 4th 1858; Section of the Atlantic Cable carried by Adams & Co. Express Wagon in the Procession of the 1st Sept. / Sarony, Major & Knapp -- EM11816. View of City Hall Sept. 1st 1858; View of Liliendahl's final piece Sept. 1st 1858 / Sarony, Major & Knapp -- EM11820. [Castle Garden and the Battery] / Eliza Greatorex -- EM11821. Adelaide Ristori / W.S.I.J. -- EM11822. Mlle. Rachel dans Cléopâtre -- EM11823. Contemplated East River Bridge -- EM11824. Plan for the relief of Broadway, presented to the Common Council, October 4th 1852, by John T. Dodge, Street Commissioner / G. Hayward -- EM11825. Pewter Mug Tavern & Tammany Hall, Frankfort St., 1860 / Sarony, Major & Knapp -- EM11830. Elysian Fields, Hoboken / A. Dick -- EM11827. Work House Blackwell's Island / Snyder & Black -- EM11827. Old Hall, erected 1811; Design of the New Hall / W. Roberts -- EM11832. Alms House Buildings, Blackwell's Island / Sarony & Major; Lunatic Asylum, Blackwell's Island / Sarony & Major.
EM11833. State Emigrant Landing Depot, Castle Garden, N.Y. / Roylance & Purcell; Interior view of the State Emigrant Landing Depot, Castle Garden, N.Y.; Front view of the State Emigrant Refuge and hospital institutions, Ward's Island / Roylance & Purcell -- EM11834. Nursery establishment Randall's Island / Sarony & Major -- EM11835. Hell Gate / A. Dick -- EM11836. Governors Island from the Battery -- EM11837. General view of the fortifications for the defense of the City of New York -- EM11838. New Brighton in the vicinity of New York / Rolph -- EM11840. King's Bridge N.Y. 1856 / G. Hayward -- EM11841. East River, Fort Schuyler, and Long Island Sound, from Whitestone, Long Island / W.M. Carr -- EM11842. The new Country Courthouse, New York / S. Fox -- EM11843. The Post Office, Middle Dutch Church / H. Farrer -- EM11844. Astor Library -- EM11845. Joseph G. Cogswell, LL.D. -- EM11846. Mr. William B. Astor -- EM11847. J. Jacob Astor's former residence 88th St. near East River house in which Washington Irving wrote his Astoria / G. Hayward -- EM11848. Historical Society Building / Geo. Hayward -- EM11849. The Bible House - Cooper Institute - Tompkins Market / Sarony, Major & Knapp -- EM11850. Mr. A.T. Stewart's new residence, corner of Fifth Avenue and Thirty-fourth Street, New York City -- EM11851. Central Park the terrace -- EM11852. Grand Central Dépôt, New York, interior view/ S. Fox; Grand Central Dépôt, New York, exterior view.
Call number
Printmakers include J.C. Buttre, F. D'Avignon, Henry Farrer, Eliza Greatorex, H.B. Hall, George Hayward, George E. Perine, A.H. Ritchie, John Sartain & Sarony, Major & Knapp.
Title from Calendar of Emmet Collection.
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Emmet Collection.
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Linking entry (note)
Forms part of Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.
Emmet, Thomas Addis, 1828-1919. Collector
Booth's history of New York. v. 7 [graphic]
1861-ca. 1880.
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Restricted access; Print Collection; Permit must be requested at the division indicated.
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Emmet Collection.
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Forms part of Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.