129 prints : etching, engraving, mezzotint, lithograph, wood engraving, some col.; 50 x 53.2 cm. or smaller.
Portraits of American Revolutionary War generals and views of sites associated with their lives and careers. Individuals depicted include John Adams, John Burgoyne, Frederick, Earl of Carlisle, George Clinton, Henry Clinton, Daniel Parke Custis, Robert Dinwiddie, Guy Carleton, Thomas Fairfax, Adam Ferguson, Benjamin Franklin, George III, Francois Joseph Paul de Grasse, Nathanael Greene, Sir Peter Halket, Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock, Patrick Henry, Richard Howe, William Howe, John Jay, Thomas Johnson, George Johnston, the marquis de Lafayette, Charles Lee, Henry Lee, John Marshall, Hugh Mercer, Thomas Mifflin, James Monroe, Robert Morris, Samuel Morris, Hugh Percy, Duke of Northumberland, Eleazer Oswald, William Phillips, Israel Putnam, the comte de Rochambeau, Edward Rutledge, John Sullivan, George Washington, James Wilkinson and Marinus Willett.
EM7728. [Washington] / H.B. Hall -- EM7729. Military costume of the Revolution / T. Sinclair -- EM7730. Portrait & uniform of an American General - A real representation of the dress of an American rifle-man / Roberts -- EM7731. Triumph of Liberty dedicated to its defenders in America / P.C. Verger -- EM7732. G. Washington / H.B. Hall -- EM7733. [Allegorical figures] / L.A. Claessens -- EM7734. In memory of the illustrious champion of liberty.
EM7735. [Signing of the Declaration of Independence] -- EM7739. [Medallion with profile of Washington] -- EM7740. General Washington / V. Green -- EM7741. [General Washington] -- EM7742. John Adams / J.B. Longacre -- EM7743. John Jay / H.B. Hall -- EM7744. Robert Morris -- EM7745. Arms of Washington / T. Sinclair -- EM7746. Site of Washington's birthplace / J. Duthie -- EM7747. [Washington as a surveyor] -- EM7750. Thomas, Sixth Lord Fairfax -- EM7751. Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Va. / Rau & Son --EM7752. Robert Dinwiddie Governor of Virginia -- EM7755. George Keppel Earl of Albemarle / C. Spooner -- EM7757. The Braddock House, Alexandria, Va. -- EM7760. Braddock's Battle Field / A.W. Graham -- EM7763. [Fort Duquesne] -- EM7764. [Sir Peter Halket] / Ardell -- EM7769. Fall of Braddock / J.B. Allen -- EM7770. N.W. view of the mansion of George Washington, Mount Vernon / P. Haas -- EM7771. [Unknown woman] / J. Rogers -- EM7772. Patrick Henry / J.B. Longacre -- EM7773. Daniel Parke Custis / Lossing-Barritt -- EM7774. Thomas Johnson / Jos. J. Pease -- EM7775. [Battle of Lexington] / C. Tiebout -- EM7777. Major General Israel Putnam / W. Humphreys -- EM7780. [Jas. Wilkinson] -- EM7783. His Most Sacred Majesty George the III King of Great Britain / R. Purcell -- EM7784. General Reed Member of the Congress -- EM7785. The Honble. John Hancock -- EM7786. Frankelin [sic] Ministre plénipotentaire des Etats Unis... / Chevillet.
EM7787. [Montreal from the mountain] / R. Wallis -- EM7788. Charles Lee Esquier -- EM7789. [Genl. Gage] -- EM7792. The town of Sherburne in the island of Nantucket / B. Tanner -- EM7791. Hugh, Earl Percy -- EM7793. ...Town and harbour of Halifax in Nova Scotia... / Mason -- EM7794A. Georgio Washington... -- EM7794B. Rose and Crown -- EM7795. The Right Honble. Richard Lord Howe / Corbutt -- EM7796. Major General Nathaniel Greene / J.B. Forrest -- EM7797. [Geo. Clinton] / St. Memin -- EM7798. New York in 1776 -- EM7799. Jean Sullivan Major General d'Armee des XIII Provinces unies en Amerique -- EM7800. [Unknown] -- EM7801. Tho. Mifflin -- EM7802. George Washington, Esqr. -- EM7803. Col. Alexander Scammell / AR -- EM7805. Edward Rutledge / H.B. Hall -- EM7806. [Sir Henry Clinton] -- EM7807. The Battle of Harlem Heights, September 16, 1776 -- EM7808. Hell Gate / J. Hill -- EM7809. Gen. Sir William Howe / J. Rogers -- EM7810. View at Bauffet's Point - Howe's head-quarters - Washington's head-quarters - Place where the British crossed the Bronx - Chatterton's Hill from the rail-way station -- EM7812. [Earl Percy] -- EM7813. George Washington, Esq... -- EM7816. Trenton Bridge / Murrey -- EM7818. [Saml. Morris] -- EM7819. Washington Crossing the Delaware Decr. 24th 1776 -- EM7820. Col. Thomas Forrest / H.B. Hall -- EM7821. [James Monroe] / V. Balch -- EM7824. Gen. Hugh Mercer / G.R. Hall.
EM7826. Washington's headquarters at Morristown, New Jersey -- EM7827. Genl. Burgoyne Governor of New York North America / F. Bartolozzi -- EM7828. [Cornwallis] -- EM7829. The battlefield of Brandywine / James Smillie -- EM7831. Mr. Chew's House -- EM7832. Lieutenant General Thomas Musgrove / G.S. Facius -- EM7833. General Washington -- EM7834. [Washington at Valley Forge] -- EM7836. Washington at the outposts of Valley Forge / R. Hinshelwood -- EM7837. Frederick Earl of Carlisle, K.G. / H. Meyer -- EM7838. The Rt. Hon: Wm. Eden / T. Holloway -- EM7839. George Johnston Esq. -- EM7841. Adam Ferguson, L.L.D. / J.B. Lane -- EM7853. [Illegible] / H.B. Hall -- EM7846. General Washington / V. Green -- EM7847. Lafayette / Delpech -- EM7848. Col. Eleazer Oswald -- EM7849. [Genl. Ramsay?] -- EM7850. The bivouac at Monmouth / J.C. Buttre -- EM7851. [J. Marshall] / A. Newsam -- EM7852. [Marinus] Willett -- EM7853. Residence of the late Col. Marinus Willet, Mayor of New York -- EM7855. Col. Henry Lee / H.B. Hall -- EM7856. Rochambeau -- EM7857. Newport, Rhode Island / Fenner, Sears & Co. -- EM7858. Marriott Arbuthnot Esq. Admiral of the Blue Squadron / H.R. Cook -- EM7859. Washington's head quarters at Tappan / S.V. Hunt -- EM7860. [Gates] -- EM7862. Major Gen. William Phillips, Lieut. Col. of the Royal Regmiment of Artillery / Max Rosenthal -- EM7863. Comte de Grasse / Jas. Walker -- EM7866. [De Barras]
EM7867. Claude Anne, Marquis de Saint-Simon / H.B. Hall -- EM7868. [De Lauzuan] -- EM7869. [Washington and the French officers at Yorktown] -- EM7870. M. Le Marquis de La Fayette / Funcke -- EM7871. Alexander Hamilton / George Graham -- EM7874. [De Choisé] -- EM7875. Count de Grasse / Birrell -- 7883. His Excellency George Washington Lieut. Genl. of the Armies of the United States / J. Galland -- EM7884. G. Washington -- EM7886. Room in which Washington died, December 14, 1799 - Washington's coffin - The lid - Tomb of Washington -- EM7890. [Washington] / H.B. Hall -- EM7892. Washington [in Masonic regalia] / A. Neill -- EM7893. [Allegory on the death of Washington] -- EM7896. Sacred to the memory of the truly illustrious George Washington / E.G. Gridley -- EM7895. Portraits of Washington -- EM7897. Columbia lamenting the loss of her son... -- EM7898. Washington's sepulchre Mount Vernon / J. Hill -- EM7899. [Grave of Washington] -- EM7900. High Street from the Country Market Places, Philadelphia, with the commemoration of the death of General Washington / M. Marigot -- EM7901. Washington's Monument, Baltimore / D. Thompson -- EM7902. The Washington Monument, Richmond, Va. / G.R. Hall -- EM7903. The national Washington Monument, Washington, D.C. / A.C. Warren -- EM7904. Clark Mill's statue of Washington / J. Rogers -- EM7905. Statue of Washington by H.K. Brown, Union Square, New York / G.R. Hall.
EM7906. [Equestrian statue of Washington] / J.W. Orr -- EM7907. The Washington Monument in front of Independence Hall, Philadelphia -- EM7908. Proposed colossal statue of Washington for the City of New York / G. Thomas -- EM7909. Sacred to the memory of Washington.
Call number
Title from Calendar of Emmet Collection.
Printmakers include Valentine Green, Henry Bryan Hall and James Barton Longacre.
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Emmet Collection.
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Linking entry (note)
Forms part of Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.
Emmet, Thomas Addis, 1828-1919. Collector
The generals of the American Revolution. V. 1: Washington [graphic]
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Restricted access; Print Collection; Permit must be requested at the division indicated.
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Emmet Collection.
Linking entry
Forms part of Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.