Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. (NN)NYPG95-F274.
57 prints : etching, engraving, mezzotint, lithograph, wood engraving, some col.; 43 x 35.2 cm. or smaller.
Portraits of individuals, events and sites associated with the outbreak of the American Revolution in Massachusetts, including the Battle of Concord and the Battle of Bunker Hill.
EM5101. Thos. Gage -- EM5102. The Rt. Honble. Charles Pratt, Lord Camden, Baron Camden... / J. Spilsbury -- EM5104. The Rt. Honble. Thomas Lord Graves, Admiral of the White / Conde -- Em5105. James Bowdoin Governor of Massachusetts 1785 to 1787 -- EM5107. John Adams / C. Motte -- EM5109. A View of the City of Boston the Capital of New England -- EM5110. Alexander Anderson -- EM5113. Isaiah Thomas Esq. -- EM5120. Alexander Baron Loughborough... / H. Meyer -- EM5121. Lord Chatham / W. Holl -- EM5122. John Montagu, Earl of Sandwich, Viscount Hinchingbrook / V. Green -- EM5126. Josiah Tucker, D.D. Dean of Glouchester -- EM5127. [John Wilkes] -- EM5132. David Hartley Esq. / Jas. Walker -- EM5134. B. Franklin Americain -- EM5135. Major General Israel Putnam -- EM5140. Mr. Samuel Adams -- EM5143. Paul Revere's Ride - April 19, 1775 -- EM5145. The British Troops on Concord Common -- EM5152. [Earl Percy] -- Em5153. Retreat of the British from Concord / Jas. Smillie -- EM5154. Lieut. General Harris &c &c &c / S.W. Reynolds -- EM5158. Thomas Cushing Member of the Continental Congress.
EM5159. Joseph Warren / Thos. Illman -- EM5169. Brigadier-General James M. Varnum, 1749-1789 -- EM5174. Lt. Gen. Burgoyne / S. Hollyer -- EM5177. The Battle at Bunker's Hill / J.N. Gimbrede -- EM5181. Fortifying Breed's Hill in the Night June 16 1775 / S. Hollyer -- EM5182. Major Genl. Artemas Ward / S.A. Schoof and T. Kelley -- EM5188. View of the the Attack on Bunker's Hill, with the Burning of Charles Town, June 17, 1775 / Engraved by Lodge -- EM5189. The Battle at Bunker's Hill / Geo. E. Perine -- EM5192. The Shooting of Major Pitcairn (who had shed the first blood at Lexington) by the colored soldier Salem -- EM5201. Dr. Joseph Warren -- EM5202. Paul Revere -- Em5203. Mrs. John Hancock -- EM5205. Edward Everett / G. Parker -- EM5206. View of the Ancient Buildings belonging to Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. -- EM5207. Jo: Winthrop, Governor of Massachusetts, 1630-49 -- EM5208. G. Washington / [H.B. Hall] -- EM5209. Phillis Wheatley / Pendleton -- EM5210. James Bowdoin, Esq. -- EM5211. Charles Chauncy / H.W. Smith -- EM5212. Rev. Mather Byles / S. Harris -- EM5214. Vue de Boston prise du pont du Sud / Deroy -- EM5215. State House Boston / Fnner Sears & Co. -- EM5216. Increase Mather / Hopwood -- EM5219. Cotton Mather, D.D. -- EM5221. [Gov. Thos. Johnson of Md.] / Albert Rosenthal --EM5222. George Washington, Esqr. General and Commander in Chief of the Continental Army in America / Ioh. Martin Will.
EM5223. Charles Lee Esqer. Major Général de l'Armée Continental presentement prisonnier à la Nouvelle York -- EM5224. Schuyler -- EM5227. Danl. Morgan -- EM5229. Thomas Mifflin / E. Wellmore -- EM5230. Robert Hanson Harrison Nat. 1745-Ob. 1790 / Albert Rosenthal -- EM5232. [Franklin] / H.W. Smith -- EM5234. A View of Portsmouth in New Hampshire taken from the East Shore -- EM5237. Brig. Gen. James Mitchell Varnum / H.B. Hall -- EM5240. Israel Putnam Eqer. Major Général des Troupes de Connecticut...
Call number
Printmakers include H.B. Hall, S. Hollyer, James Smillie.
Title from title page of extra-illustrated volume.
Access (note)
Restricted access;
Cite as (note)
Emmet Collection.
Indexes/finding aids (note)
Finding aid available.
Linking entry (note)
Forms part of Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution in Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.
Emmet, Thomas Addis, 1828-1919. Collector
The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution (Chapters 22-24) [graphic]
Restricted access
Restricted access; Print Collection; Permit must be requested at the division indicated.
Cite as:
Emmet Collection.
Linking entry
Forms part of Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution in Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.