CONTENTS: Announcements by Jane Roberts (approx. 6 min.). -- Session 1: Paper presentations and discussion. Moderator: Marcia B. Siegel. William Fetterman: John Cage's Water music (approx. 22 min.). Historical and musical analysis of a composition by John Cage, first performed in 1952 by David Tudor. -- Natelie Ellen Gerber: Artist descending a staircase: collaboration at Black Mountain College and in the works of John Cage, Merce Cunningham, and Robert Rauschenberg (approx. 18 min.). Historical study, highlighting Cage's mixed media work Theatre piece no. 1. -- Michelle Potter: Merce Cunningham and the specter of the Gesamtkunstwerk (approx. 19 min.). Paper read by David Vaughan. Examination of Cunningham's collaborative process, in contrast to the concept of the Gesamtkunstwerk as formulated by Richard Wagner, Serge Diaghilev, and Bertolt Brecht. -- Discussion (approx. 24 min.), among Siegel, the writers, and audience members, including Nikola Cernovitch, Carolyn Brown, Viola Farber, and Deborah Jowitt.
Call number
*MGZIDF 5388
Part of an eight-cassette documentation of a symposium held at Russell Sage College, Troy, New York, from October 9-10, 1993. Sponsored by Russell Sage College and the Dance Critics Association. Cassette 6 was recorded on October 10, 1993.
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Black Mountain College and Merce Cunningham in the fifties: New perspectives [electronic resource]
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