SUMMARY: Videotaped on April 12, 1981 by Ed Emshwiller. Panel discussion on Access to early works for study or reconstruction: Progress and problems by John Mueller (moderator), with Virginia Brooks, Muriel Topaz, Marion North, Rose Anne Thom, Marcia Siegel, and Deborah Jowitt. The discussion, which is illustrated by two films of Martha Graham's Appalachian spring (not shown on tape), centers upon the problems of reconstructing and/or preserving dance works through the use of notation, film or videotape documentation, and verbal descriptions. Among the topics discussed by the panelists and audience members are: the validity of multiple interpretations of a work; the criteria for a good reconstruction or revival; the need for more reconstructions/revivals, regardless of quality; the need for notation literacy in dancers; and the value of reconstructions/revivals as an educational tool for dancers. Contributors from the audience include: Carolyn Brown, Martha Hill, Joyce Malm, Kay Bardsley, Bonnie Bird, Valerie Preston-Dunlop, and Billie Mahoney. Occasional gaps in recording.
Call number
*MGZIDf 3533
Video documentation of the festival The early years: American modern dance from 1900 through the 1930s, hosted by SUNY College at Purchase, New York, on April 9-12, 1981, under the sponsorship of State University of New York, University-Wide Programs in the Arts. Festival director: Patricia Kerr Ross. Video producer: Daniel Labeille.
For printed program of the festival, see: *MGZB The early years (1981 : Purchase, N.Y.) [Programs].
Access (note)
Patrons can access streaming video file only at the Library for the Performing Arts.
The early years: Access to early works for study or reconstruction [electronic resource]
Restricted access
Patrons can access streaming video file only at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Local note
Former call number: *MGZIC 9-950 cassettes 24 and 25.