Produced by Elaine Summers Dance and Film Company. A film dance by choreographer/filmmaker Elaine Summers, premiered in 1977. Filmed in The Kitchen, New York, by Paula Court.
Music: Jay Clayton.
Performed by Matt Turney.
Access (note)
Patrons can access streaming video file only at the Library for the Performing Arts.
System details (note)
Streaming video.
Source (note)
Elaine Summers.
Windows in the Kitchen [electronic resource].
System details
Streaming video.
Restricted access
Patrons can access streaming video file only at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Local note
Former classmark: *MGZIDVD 5-5219.
Additional copy: *MGZHB 8-2402, 1 film reel (408 ft.); use *MGZIDVD 5-5219 instead.