CONTENTS.--Reel 1: Demonstration by Harriette Ann Gray and Johanna Albrecht of material described in Sixty exercises in rhythmic movement, by Portia Mansfield. 16 min.--Reel 2: Demonstration of exercises for group including material from Perry-Mansfield correctives in dance form and Rhythmic study in canon form, by Portia Mansfield; documentary footage including José Limón teaching dance to children and brief sequences from Doris Humphrey's Water study (black and white); exercises arranged and directed by Valerie Bettis. 14 1/2 min.
Call number
*MGZHB 4-487
Filmed by Portia Mansfield.
Body mechanics and fundamental movement (Motion picture)
Local subject
Motion pictures. Body mechanics and fundamental movement.
Added author
Albrecht, Johanna, dancer.
Bettis, Valerie, 1919-1982.
Limón, José.
Gray, Harriette Ann, dancer.
Mansfield, Portia.
Mansfield, Portia. Rhythmic movement study in canon form.
Mansfield, Portia. Perry-Mansfield correctives in dance form.
Mansfield, Portia. Sixty exercises in rhythmic movement.
Humphrey, Doris, 1895-1958, choreographer.
Perry-Mansfield School of the Theatre and Dance (Steamboat Springs, Colo.)