SUMMARY: Reel 1. Welcoming address by Nicole Plett and Cathy Curtis.--Reel 2. Where do we come from? Where are we going? Mapping dance criticism. Don McDonagh, speaker. Tharp and her critics: Writings on The Upper Room. Raewyn Whyte, speaker.--Reel 3. Who's in charge here? Cathy Curtis, moderator. Jonathan Taylor, John E. Booth, speakers.--Reel 4. Yoo-hoo! Anybody out there? Tom Streeney, moderator. Panel of dance-goers.--Reel 5. Welcoming speech. We love you/hate you: Critics and dance companies. Deborah Jowitt, moderator. Jane Hermann, Ellen Jacobs, Jelon Vieira, Bob Yesselman, panelists.--Reel 6. Performance art: So is this really theater or what? David Nicholson, moderator. Carmelita Tropicana, Elise Bernhardt, John Howell, panelists.--Reel 7. Biography: Another kind of criticism. Joan Acocella, moderator. Lynn Garafola, Donna Perlmutter, Janet Soares, speakers.--Reel 8. Born too late? Coping with dance after the boom. Bruce Fleming, moderator. Brenda Dixon-Stowell, George Jackson, Rita Felciano, Diana Theodores, panelists.--Reel 9. Question and answer session moderated by Dale Harris.
Call number
*MGZTC 3-1176
Recorded June 14-16, 1991 at the Dance Critics Conference held in Lehman Auditorium, Barnard College, New York City.