Collection consists of Norton's letters to Martha [Norton] describing his experiences during World War II in New Guinea, the Dutch East Indies and the Philippines.
Permission to consult, quote from, or reproduce must be given by C. McKim Norton.
Source (note)
Maloney, William J.
Biography (note)
C. McKim Norton served as a navigator specialist in the U.S. Army Amphibian Engineers in New Guinea, Dutch East Indies, and the Philippines during World War II. He advised the Philippine government on city planning.
Processing action (note)
Norton, C. McKim.
C. McKim Norton letters, 1944-1945.
Restricted access
Restricted access; Manuscripts and Archives Division; Permit must be requested at the division indicated.
Permission to consult, quote from, or reproduce must be given by C. McKim Norton.
C. McKim Norton served as a navigator specialist in the U.S. Army Amphibian Engineers in New Guinea, Dutch East Indies, and the Philippines during World War II. He advised the Philippine government on city planning.