28 stereographs (photoprints) : albumen, b&w; 90 x 180 mm. or smaller.
Views of Oregon: men at a fish weir (?) on the Clackamas, a couple in front of a large log "on the Clackamas River," trout fishing on the Willamette; a steamboat at Clatsop Beach; rocks and bluffs near Newport and Yaquina Bay; falls on the Santiam at Waterloo, including a view of a mill, and sightseers on a small bridge; man fishing on Lost Lake, Mt. Hood in the background; views on and from Mt. Hood, including glaciers, and hikers with the summit above; Crater Lake from Eagle Crags; fishermen repairing nets on a dock, Columbia River; Chinese and other men working in salmon canneries, Astoria; two men felling a large fir; hydraulic mining; a staged view of a man shooting a deer; "Pioneer [with rifle] and his family" in front of house; mill and logs on wunidentified river; views of Oregon City showing mills, steamboats above and below the falls, and Willamette Falls. Some views duplicated.