44 stereographs (photoprints) : albumen, b&w; 88x177mm. or smaller.
Worcester, Massachusetts: general views; homes on Cedar St.; Main street including Taylor's block, Central Church (Congregational), block between Pleasant and Park, opposite City Hall, North from Bay State House; Scott's block, Southbridge St.; Fallon's block and Trinity Church; unidentified church and interiors showing organs, altars; City Hall; Waldo House; Dale Hospital; Public library; Mechanics Hall; Music Hall on Blair St.; The high school; State Normal School; Worcester County Free Institute of Industrial Science; Washburn Wire Works; women window-shopping at Barnard, Sumner & Co., Dry goods; Lincoln house block; Worcester skating rink; Foster St. Railroad depot (Boston & Worcester R.R.); Union passenger station (Boston & Albany R.R. and others), one view showing clock tower under construction; Civil War Soldiers' Monument; College rowing regatta, Lake Quinsigamond, July 22, 1870, Brown Freshman Crew, Harvard University crew; bridge on Lake Quinsigamond; Labor day parade; bridge (?); buildings on Southbridge street destroyed by explosion of a car of dualin on the Boston & Albany railroad, June 23, 1870; flood at Worcester, March 30, 1876 caused when Lynde Brook dam was destroyed by a freshet: broken dam, damage to homes and mills, Leicester Rd., damage to the Arch bridge, Boston & Albany Railroad.