63 stereographs (photoprints) : albumen, b&w; 88x178mm. or smaller.
Views of Nantucket: general and street views incl. commercial buildings, homes with gardens visible, streets with wagons and carriages, groups of people posing in front of buildings including children in front of the Tallant School or Fair St. Academy; a group pausing during a croquet game; the "oldest House" (Jethro Coffin house), showing shingled exterior and catslide roof, the Old Mill (later owned by the Nantucket Historical Association; the round top mill; the Civil War monument; Wauwinet House from its dock; Siasconset including a general view, houses along the bluffs, men and a child in a yard with a ship's figurehead; Capt. Wm. Baxter in his wagon, delivering mail to Siasconset; cliffs and the beach at Sankaty, the Sankaty lighthouse; another lighthouse; the "Hermit of Quidnet" (Frederick Parker), one view showing his home, another showing him seated in rocking chair outside his door reading; whaling: "cutting in" the whale at the Commerical wharf, 1870; school of blackfish on shore, one view showing boys standing on the carcasses; a view of man in protective clothes in front of lifesaving station, boat and equipment visible through door; views of shipwrecks, including the "W.F. Marshall," the Minmanuett," showing spectators sitting on bags of coffee (its cargo) on the shore, and wagons and carriages on the shore near a wreck; view of the remains of the "Warren Sawyer" in the surf; a group of women sitting around a table with a stereo-viewer on it. Some views duplicated.