20 stereographs (photoprints) : albumen, b&w; 91x180mm. or smaller.
General and street views of Baltimore: from Federal Hill, showing industrial section, homes, churches beyond; "Baltimore by Moonlight," showing homes, churches and the Cathedral; south from the armory, church, Shot Tower beyond; man and woman stand on hill above Wooodbury, showing homes, a mill, an orchard; general view of the district burned in 1904; street views of commerical streets showing wagons, street car tgracks, businesses, signs, awnings; views of Baltimore street, including one showing a banner for a Maryland Institute Exhibition; Monument square full of carriages, showing hotels and the monument; looking toward Monument Square from Baltimore street; Mt. Vernon Place showing homes and acarriage; military parade on Broadway; view of buildings lining the banks of an unidentified body of water, possibly Jones Falls.
Alternative title
American views.
American views. Baltimore, M.D.
American scenery.
The "Best" series. Baltimore, Md.
Excelsior stereo. views.
Chase's celebrated collection of national views. 193, 218.
Baltimore and vicinity. New series. 10, 16, 61.
Picturesque views of all countries.
Picturesque views of the wide, wide world.
Views in Baltimore and vicinity, Md. 7043, 7058, 7069.